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t1_itml5k9 wrote

There is a time-jump of like 20 years or so between books 6 & 7, then books 7, 8, and 9 all tie closely together as a final trilogy. Amazon has called season 6 the final season, but they also included a bunch of stuff from Laconia which didn't even appear in the main book series (it's from one of the Novellas), which in my mind only makes sense to include if we are going to get the final trilogy at some point.

I'm kind of expecting that it will go dark, maybe for years, and then eventually someone brings back what they can of the original cast, somewhat aged, to finish out the series in some form.

6-seasons and a movie anyone?


t1_itmr30h wrote

The time skip was closer to 30 years. That's not including internal time of the books. The book 'Cibola Burn' takes place over the course of a minimum of 4 years. Hell Abbadon's Gate had a minimum time if 7 months.

By the time you got to the last book the main crew had to be pushing 70 easy.


t1_itn00la wrote

But they also take anti-aging meds so they could hand wave a lot of that aging and just make then a bit grayer.


t1_itn24n3 wrote

Not sure about those pills. I remember a few paragraphs about Bobby's knees and Naomi's back.


t1_itn2ezl wrote

Yeah, but I'm 27 and regularly have knee and back pain.


t1_itn33e8 wrote

Today, being my 41st Birthday, I can get away with making a joke about 'youngin's being old before their young'.😜


t1_itphxm4 wrote

Well they definitely took anti aging pills too though. This conversation about actos and ages has popped up on the sub every week since that book dropped.


t1_itqy92e wrote

In those books they're in their 70's but are meant to have the bodies analogous to those of people in their 50's today. Someone might not die of old age until they're in their 100's, but age still comes. It would be possible for a TV series to handwave it but it might feel a little bit cheap. I think if they were to do it today, it'd be better to trim down the 30 years to 10 or so and just skip the idea that many of the invading forces had been born on Laconia and had never seen Sol, which works better in the books anyway.


t1_itp1a3k wrote

I think Avasarala is supposed to be in her 80's during the early stuff. This is a future where cancer meds and anti-aging drugs have pushed life expectancy out to (I'd imagine) somewhere in the ~110-120s.


t1_itpyzxa wrote

>life expectancy out to (I'd imagine) somewhere in the ~110-120s

Pretty sure this is explicitly stated a few times


t1_itqfq03 wrote

I know she was well past 100 when she died. But I always chalked it up to her being too stubborn to die and so cranky that heaven and hell were afraid to let her in.


t1_itqic1l wrote

I haven't read the books, only watched the show, and I don't think that it's outright talked about in the show.


t1_itovfou wrote

They didn't, Amazon isn't producing the show, they're the distributor. Alcon probably did that hoping to continue but Amazon said no. Alcon can continue elsewhere (like they did before) but really the show isn't that popular sadly. Getting canceled 2 times isn't exactly the best sales pitch either I think


t1_itpco5e wrote

> Amazon has called season 6 the final season, but they also included a bunch of stuff from Laconia which didn't even appear in the main book series (it's from one of the Novellas), which in my mind only makes sense to include if we are going to get the final trilogy at some point.

Yeah, what I think happened is they saw a nature ending point for the TV Show and decided to finish the story they were telling there. The Laconia bits were put in as a sorta back-door micro pilot to a new series that they had not fleshed out yet. Book readers don't really internalize that the first six books and the last three are different thematically and tonally. I think they are just developing a new series to handle the Laconia period of the story.


t1_itn0b47 wrote

I'd honestly rather they just reboot the series, and follow the books more closely. Maybe do a movie series instead?
