LoganTheHuge00 t1_iu55dwg wrote
She’s a Tony-nominated playwright. Her Broadway play ECLIPSED (which starred Lupita N’yongo) is fantastic.
alpacasarebadsingers t1_iu5fa9k wrote
I hear that she is going super meta with this show. She will play herself in real life and the “zombies” will be the various Walking Dead shows. She will spend 10 episodes “killing” the “zombies” by convincing the writers to quit and the production company to back a different series.
Edit: in the finale she uses a sword to cut off Gimple’s head and is then arrested and taken to jail.
MyStationIsAbandoned t1_iu5uwk5 wrote
I don't know if the best writers in the world can save The Walking Dead after the damage the former show runner did. And AMC's shitty budget and studio meddling.
But maybe. They did damage to the show that cannot be undone. I'm not even talking about season 7 stuff that people quit from. That was in the comics. I'm talking about the 100 times more worse thing they did in a later season.
Puzzleheaded_Safe131 t1_iu6int1 wrote
My only real complaint about the show was waiting weeks to see what happens after a cliffhanger. Hell the last bit of season 10 was infuriating. Yea. I clearly want to see Carol try and make soup. Not what’s happening to those other characters in that very interesting situation. To then realize it wouldn’t be addressed until like the next season was wild.
Luckily I was binging this after deciding to pick it back up since it’s the final season. But if I was waiting live? I think I’d never go back.
ChrisRedfieldfanboy t1_iu76fza wrote
You're talking about special COVID episodes, but other than that the show has been good for several years with the new showrunner on-board.
TimeBombCanarie t1_iu8mh6z wrote
I'm a bit out of the loop, what was the worst thing they did in the later season? Was it the Glenn thing?
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