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TheCheshireCody t1_itv1d2g wrote

Good for her for prioritizing her mental health. She is definitely missed in the show, but that's less important than her well-being.


OShaunesssy t1_itv9px4 wrote

She is great, hope she can move onto something less stressful but still let’s her show off her stuff


dirtbum t1_itvar6d wrote

I really enjoyed what she brought to the show and selfishly was excited for her take a bigger role when Adi and Kate left. Best of luck in future.


Old-Atmosphere-9021 t1_itvdf3l wrote

She’s funnier than SNL. There’s a handful of comedians that are being held back by SNL and the rest are being propped up by SNL. She’s definitely the former


JaunteeChapeau t1_itvf3pn wrote

I like her, she and the show weren't a good fit. Hope she finds a better project for her style!


SerDickpuncher t1_itvf8jk wrote

Good for her, never felt like they knew how to properly utilize her, at least in the first half of her tenure

And tbh, noticed a trend in a lot of writer's rooms where it seems like "silly* women writers" get stifled in favor of dry, biting, sarcastic humor.

*silly as in her style of humor, not trying to minimalize


rocketpack99 t1_itvpo6x wrote

She wasn't in a lot of sketches as a main player, but the ones she was in, like Dying Mrs. Gomez were extremely funny!

SNL is notoriously a cutthroat show, and she's clearly not a cutthroat personality. Nothing wrong with that.


BjornBeetleBorg t1_itvr0t1 wrote

She was one of the strongest cast members in at least 10-15 years easily. the majority of cast members, while talented, kind of fit into a basic mold


TheCheshireCody t1_itvtbg0 wrote

Yep. Imagine going through all that mental anguish and getting maybe fifteen minutes of screen time across six skits in the entire season. The SNL cast is way too damned big and doesn't allow for talent like hers to shine the way it should.


annoyingrelative t1_itvxx70 wrote

SNL stopped using Melissa and Ady, so now we get sketches like the Nicole Kidman AMC commercial that was only funny to a couple of people on Buzzfeed


joshhupp t1_itw0xhl wrote

I don't know why it's been that big of a deal that she left... Or why or how anyone leaves. Melissa had 6 seasons... Same as Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, David Spade, etc al. It seems like most of the greats are 6 to 8 years before their career retake takes off (six seasons and a movie!) She may have gotten lost in the shuffle of a giant cast, but she is hilarious and I hope we see her in more projects.


aku89 t1_itwar0u wrote

SNL doenst know how to use imitators at the moment it seems.


2rio2 t1_itwe4y7 wrote

I've seen her perform live and she is fucking hilarious. She shone on a few bits on SNL but they clearly had no idea how to use her.


klaxor t1_itwme5n wrote

That’s sad.


Evil_Morty_C131 t1_itxgce9 wrote

“You are weak like HR Pickens!” - I think she’s great and I hope she finds success.


Century22nd t1_itxhcue wrote

The New Saturday Night Live has basically all new cast members, I like it so far...this tends to happen every 7-10 years, there is a bunch of people that leave and set way for new cast members. Although you sometimes have "bench warmer" cast members that stay way too long and you barely see them in any sketches (cough, Kenan Thompson, Horatio Sands, and Darrel Hammond)


erishun t1_itxjmqf wrote

My wife and I played a game where we’d do “over/under” over how many times Melissa would even be seen… even as a background character. We stopped playing when the answer would always just be “0”.

We got to the point where we wondered why she was even still listed in the credits.


frenchfri t1_itxn1vz wrote

I didn’t think she was funny at all.


MisterMoccasin t1_itxpdle wrote

The cast 15 years ago included Fred Armisen, Will Forte, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, Kenan Thompson and Kristen Wiig.


The cast from 10 years ago included Vanessa Bayer, Taran Killam, Bobby Noynihan, Kate McKinnon, Tim Robinson and Cicily Strong.


jakefromjake t1_ity1rzw wrote

Must be hard to work knowing you’re racist. Good riddance asshole


Redeem123 t1_ityaith wrote

I'm curious what avenue you think she wanted to go in that she wasn't allowed to. Her standup is all impressions, and SNL used her for that. I feel like SNL knew exactly what to do with her... they just didn't want to do it often.


Good_old_Marshmallow t1_ityaxwi wrote

I just feel like SNL has a specific “brand” of humor and admittedly it’s migrated over the generations but sometimes it will add a talent that doesn’t fit that brand but is still incredibly talented.


Redeem123 t1_ityb308 wrote

Sure, I don't disagree that she wasn't a fit for the show. But I don't think it's because they didn't know what to do with her. I just haven't seen anything from her that's unique beyond her uncanny impressions, which isn't really something that leads to great sketch comedy.


Three_Froggy_Problem t1_ityg0p5 wrote

I am very much of the belief that SNL is beneath talented comedians like her. The show just isn’t well-written enough to do justice to most of its cast. I understand why comedic actors would want the exposure that the show brings (and the steady paycheck), but creatively it feels like a complete waste of their talent.


OneGoodRib t1_itygous wrote

I thought it was obvious she left because she basically never got to do anything even with a huge repertoire of impressions including an incredibly spooky one of Kristen Wiig.


be-like-water-2022 t1_itz0qcm wrote

SNL is snakes pit, where environment is toxic to top productivity.


Aware_Yak t1_itzzdbx wrote

she was consistently ehhhh