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Ragnar_Dragonfyre t1_iuj3qi8 wrote

TV is dying and it’s being replaced by TikTok…

I’m not looking forward to a future where scripted shows die out and are replaced by badly scripted “reality reels” that pretend to be real.


OK_Soda t1_iuj6r0a wrote

I mostly only watch TV while eating a meal and I am not looking forward to sitting down to eat and queuing up 91 27-second tiktoks to fill my dinner hour.


ZsaFreigh t1_iuk54v6 wrote

It happened once before with Reality TV, but Scripted TV became much better for it.


dadvader t1_iuje6i4 wrote

Well that's why we need Marvel stuff. Those are actually keeping that particular crowd happy. Easy watch. Full of popcorn action and haha quirky quip.