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preppytarg t1_itkw6pm wrote

I had my TV optimized and watched in a pitch black room, and yet still the picture was annoyingly dark. I rewatched the episode on my phone(!) and it was just fine.

It is what it is, but please stop gaslighting others who sincerely had issues no matter what they did.


RichestMangInBabylon t1_itm5jir wrote

It's like the Nintendo Switch joycon drift debacle. Everyone who had it knows what it is, and everyone else swears it's made up because theirs are fine.


BeatlesTypeBeat t1_itoa1bw wrote

Especially the pro controller! Less people have experienced that so people tell me I'm lying when mine did in under a year (heavy use)


[deleted] t1_itkwo1e wrote



sucr4m t1_itkxmzo wrote

"compared to a black screen it was fine" thats not any way to measure :P


filmfanatic247 t1_itkzmpc wrote

It looked dusk in most scenes, not the blackness of night. I also watched it on my phone and thought the same.

When I saw the initial complaints Monday I was really confused as to what they were talking about. No joking, it was night and day compared to each other.

If you don't want to compare the two then pick any other film medium that was set at dusk or moon lit.

I think the biggest reason why it wasn't as bad as BoW is that this was filmed during daylight hours while BoW were night shoots.
