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MuadDibsAlt t1_iuic98q wrote

Its like when at a party someone shows a video, and now we have to see everybody's favourite video.


LittleLI t1_iujp6lv wrote

>Its like when at a party someone shows a video, and now we have to see everybody's favourite video.

Am I just old? When did this become something that happens at parties?


BornIn1142 t1_iujsnog wrote

I remember people complaining that Youtube ruined house parties in university over ten years ago.


markstormweather t1_iuk3ik0 wrote

I remember this with music but not videos. I’d play a song and then someone would be like oh if you like THAT check THIS out, and pretty soon we’re all cranking the phonograph playing our favorite big band hits. But that was a while ago, before home TVs and VCRs changed everything.


ElectricPeterTork t1_iuie57n wrote

One person got a lot of internet points for posting one, now everybody's piling on.


PPQue6 t1_iuj18uu wrote

Karma farming at its finest folks!


sevsnapey t1_iuj9oxk wrote

would be weird if the mods saw the threads start piling in and, i don't know, made a thread for people to spam all their favorites in. i know this idea may seem crazy and practically unheard of on reddit so i guess that's why they haven't lifted a single finger to stop the sub from being spammed. silly me


OneGoodRib t1_iuje8lm wrote

Like 3/4 of the front page of the sub is still regular tv news. I think it's nice to have a change of pace by people posting fun tv things instead of casting news that everyone will complain about once and then forget about for six months.


sevsnapey t1_iujfmm8 wrote

51/87 new posts in the last 21 hours are intros. that's insane


The_Lone_Apple t1_iuihe7i wrote

It would be better if they were all in one thread but it's always a competition.


Iggy_Pops_Lost_Shirt t1_iuigs3r wrote

It's just a trend, man, happens all the time in all different subs, who cares.


secretivehamster t1_iuijbzb wrote

Who cares. Quite refreshing to see people share postitive television memories compared to the endless complain posts and echochambering. This is reddit television right? Not reddit millenium gen exclusive club. Technically 80's is as television as it can get. 2020's is mostly streaming. So these post have every right to be here. It looks more like you want to exclude posters of earlier generations who actually are of the pre internet 'Television' age.


stumpcity t1_iuibz7n wrote


"People are posting stuff they like and I can't complain about shit I don't like."

It'll pass.


Roook36 t1_iuifz7y wrote

Yeah can we get back to whining in every thread with a positive review of something that the site is full of shills and bots trying to lie to us about how everything sucks


MadeByTango t1_iuj1ffb wrote

Better than the usual advertising pretending to be genuine articles; at least users are sharing stuff they like and talking about it


Maninhartsford t1_iuitcf3 wrote

Yeah, I'm missing my 15 daily threads about how You're A Bad Person If You Don't Watch She-Hulk and Is ROP Or HOTD The Winner In A Made Up Competition We Started


INMATEofARKHAM t1_iuiqttn wrote

Seemed to happen over the weekend... Maybe everyone was having a slow one?

Personally, I've enjoyed it (lots of great theme songs from the 80s) but no one has posted the best 80s show theme yet... I would but I'm not big on clutter. 🙂

It's the Fall Guy for anyone curious.


Oudeis16 t1_iuivs7e wrote

Gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the rule that "people are only allowed to bring up topics this one specific person wants to discuss."

It's a fad. It'll fade. You even admit it's been one day. Are you seriously such a Karen that you can't handle this sub not being personally geared to you for 12 hours?


yazzy1233 t1_iuibuep wrote

It's honestly really annoying. It feels like it's a bot thing


Nobodycares2022 t1_iuisv45 wrote

Not as annoying as the same story posted by several redditors in one subreddit . Like any of them are going to say something different.


reddig33 t1_iuix93p wrote

Mods are asleep I guess.


BlueMANAHat t1_iuk29eb wrote

I see 80s intro, 80s intro, 80s intro, I ask "Whats with all these 80s intros?" and see this thread.


The_Greyarch t1_iuirh7i wrote

I don't know either. 90's theme songs are where it's at.


OneGoodRib t1_iujefkk wrote

The 70s though? The Rockford Files is the best theme song to any show ever.


InappropriateTA t1_iuisqc4 wrote

It’s not a joke, it’s just Reddit behavior (aka a circlejerk).


FunkoXday t1_iuj0qni wrote

Yeah I was confused as well


NSWthrowaway86 t1_iujmbvk wrote

I actually hated 80s American shows. The felt so formulaic and repetitive.

And I was there.


khanfusion t1_iuip0uh wrote

For real, if I wanted reddit to be a facebook group I'd still be in my facebook groups.


OneGoodRib t1_iujem84 wrote

Yeah reddit is totally different from facebook, it's got people arguing over the dumbest shit and not allowing people to have a good time for once. Totally different.


robomummy t1_iujd6cc wrote

I think some studio is getting ready to reboot some 80s stuff and is trying to get people excited with nostalgia. I've noticed this happening on reddit in general for a lot of different things where a subject gets blasted out to the top of a sub for a couple weeks before an announcement. Seems like creative advertising to me.


OneGoodRib t1_iujeqsy wrote

This started with the theme for a show that already got rebooted. Oh it must be shills trying to hype people up for an 80s reboot, it can't possibly be that some reddit users wants to share their love for a tv show in r/television.


MINKIN2 t1_iuicu78 wrote

It's a bit of fun from the endless cycle of RoP shill articles.
