
t1_jdkm3ai wrote


It's been 20 years. The bloom is off the rose with Whedon and he probably wouldn't be asked back. As NuTrek (among other shows) has shown us, revivals like this almost inevitably suck. And a reboot or universe won't have the magic of the show you loved, it'll just be a soulless cash in on a familiar property.

Be happy with the little there was. Treasure it. Because anything new will likely be a horrible mistake that doesn't add anything good, it just tarnishes the original.


t1_jd3htta wrote

They were spread too thin.

At the same time, essentially the same crew were producing TNG S7, DS9 S2, Creating Voyager and gearing up for its first season, and writing Generations. IIRC, it was so hectic, while they were concentrating on Generations, they forgot to write a finale for TNG, so All Good Things was knocked out as an afterthought.

They had also stopped taking outside submissions by that time, so that cut a source of ideas.


t1_jab5lxt wrote

Well, as they proved, you remove Suzanne Sommers, the show goes on just about as popular as it was for another 3 or 4 years.

If they'd removed John Ritter? Probably wouldn't have been 4 more years if they'd done that.

So, while it's almost certain she deserved more money because she was a draw, she probably wasn't quite worth irreplaceable star of the show money.


t1_j9s913d wrote

Disney owns the show now, so good luck.

It was part of the MTM library, which was badly mistreated before Fox bought it. First it was purchased by a British company, then religious huckster Pat Robertson. The original elements were not treated kindly before Fox bought MTM in the late 90s.

When Shout Factory released the series on DVD, they had to use ancient videotape masters, and even resort to pulling YouTube quality clips to reinsert into some episodes to make them as complete as they could get them.

So, Newhart would have to get the TNG/Cheers/Frasier remaster and reassembly treatment to look as good as it could again, and Disney... well, they're not known for that sort of thing the way Paramount is. And that's assuming the original film still exists and is accessible after all the hands it passed through over the years.


t1_j67hyov wrote

My post about Velma would be "Not interested, didn't watch, amused at the reactions from both directions."

But shit, that's not much of a post. And I don't feel like whipping out the thesaurus to cobble together enough words to express that sentence in a novella.


t1_j2c2j4v wrote

You damn kids today don't know how good you got it with your Xrodents and Crimsontubes and all that, bringing all sorts of filth flarn filth right into your homes and to your phones for free at any second of the day or night. Back in my day, you had to put on your trenchcoat and your hipwader boots (and only your trenchcoat and hipwaders), trudge out to the porno theatre at a set time, pay a seedy looking guy who looked like he'd sodomize you for a half-eaten sandwich for a ticket to a movie you'd only watch 10 minutes of, tops, find a seat equidistant from the other 4 pervs in there, openn your trenchcoat just enough that your cock & balls were breathing the sweet air of freedom but not far enough to remove plausible deniability should the vice cops raid the place, and rub one out at the same time those other 4 pervs were, all the while hoping you'd time it just right so you'd come while there was a flash of titty or some minge onscreen and not a hairy bobbin' man ass.