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Autisthrowaway304 t1_iu9ug4d wrote

>The UK has a lot more south Asians than black people but for some reason they don't get included when talking about "diversity"

Quick Answer? Most filming takes place in London where the majority of the british/african descended population live so they get opportunities that elsewhere would be snapped up by Asians.

Also it probably helps that nobody gives a fuck about Asian diversity, while african diversity is appealing to any potential american audience.


LightThatIgnitesAll t1_iua1vcs wrote

>Most filming takes place in London where the majority of the british/african descended population live so they get opportunities that elsewhere would be snapped up by Asians.

There's more asians in London than black people. By quite a large gap.

>probably helps that nobody gives a fuck about Asian diversity, while african diversity is appealing to any potential american audience.

And that's what people are calling out. It really isn't "diverse" if they only care about seeing black people and not asians (or other groups).


ragner11 t1_iuansp6 wrote

Well by definition it is diverse. Just not diverse enough for you
