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ozgun1414 t1_ixdq06m wrote

thanks to dark, it has credits. otherwise i wouldve dropped it in first half. second half was much better but not nearly good as dark.

i watched dark season 1 three times with each new season. i dont think i can with this. it will be more boring now.


DrGarrious t1_ixeloxy wrote

Im not sure how anyone can say it WILL be anything since we havent seen the next seasons yet. If nothing else these particular writers at least deserve the opportunity to showcase.


resetar t1_ixeuckj wrote

I really liked it but did think that if it was only one season with that big reveal at the end then I would have been more than happy. But then again, I prefer stories that leave some questions unanswered and up to the reader or viewer to fill in the gaps. So, like you, I’m not sure whether it has enough steam for more seasons.


IceHBerg t1_ixf66e4 wrote

I agree with this. I’m keeping this vague to avoid spoilers but if you’ve watched it you know what I mean. I’ve mostly seen people assume that the reveal at the end of the season is the real deal. But it’s been set up to say that you can’t be sure what is and is not real. For all we know, season 2 starts with us seeing cracks in that as well. I’m curious to see what they do with season 2 as well, I doubt they’ll do thing as straightforward as many people seem to assume. Dark didn’t exactly follow that rule.


DrGarrious t1_ixf6jee wrote

I think if there's one thing we can be sure of it's that it WON'T be that simple at all.

If it was going to be that simple they'd drop the reveal in Season 3, not 1.


anon902503 t1_ixg710z wrote

I'm not sure if you can still call it "1899" in a second season..


ozgun1414 t1_ixgcuts wrote

no i didnt talk about next season. i was talking about rewatch. i loved watching dark three times. but i dont think i will enjoy watching this season twice.

next season will be much better for sure.


ozgun1414 t1_ixgd9je wrote

yeah thats what i meant. after knowing whats going on, i have zero desire to watch it all olver again. cause it has lots of boring moments. non existent conversations. i mean almost no one can understand eachother. what for am i gonna watch it again?

dark had lots of characters and tiny arcs that kept you interested all the time. i loved rebinging it everytime.


Seihai-kun t1_ixgkjci wrote

Well... when Dark season 1 is out, lot of people hate the "welcome to the future" because it's been done to death, "oh so there's some kind of war in the future and now the past is fucked, so original smh"

Then season 2 out, and people loved it


Just wait for now, If they reveal at season 2 >!the space is another simulation!< then yeah, it's been done to death, but if the writings are good, then it still would be enjoyable


komodo_dragonzord t1_ixgmsdi wrote

characters need more work, felt like it was only maura and eyk who mattered and everyone else was just doing nothing running around the ship


Majorkerina t1_ixkv2hx wrote

Exactly this. Yes this was my entire problem. I liked the characters they developed and where they were going with the interesting stories but it needed to be more of a sense8 situation where all of the characters kind of come together to develop and do things. It was so frustrating that 90% of the character development and so many of the characters wound up being pointless until they eventually explain what’s actually going on with those characters. They have no investment in the storyline as characters, they might as well be NPC‘s that walked through a scene.