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bonsai1214 t1_iye0juo wrote

Did we know that they race swapped Sarah, or are we in for a round of outrage?

That said, very happy with the castings and greatly looking forward to the show.


Carninator t1_iye1qvj wrote


bonsai1214 t1_iye1v5g wrote

That’s good. At least we won’t have to hear the complaining then!


DeedTheInky t1_iyfaoyk wrote

If the second game is anything to go by, there'll still be an entire subreddit dedicated to complaining about it 2+ years after it's already out lol.


Lifesaboxofgardens t1_iye2dfh wrote

For all of one episode she is in the show excluding flashbacks, I am sure people will still bitch. Despite Sarah being in the game for about a total of 20 minutes.


Drakengard t1_iyen6g6 wrote

True, though the fact that Sarah and Ellie are both white in the game helps to push Joel's uncomfortable feelings when he first runs into Ellie.

Sarah and Ellie not looking much alike physically removes that though perhaps it also opens the story to easing Joel and Ellie into a slow burn father daughter relationship. The game kind of slaps you upside the head with that early on for pacing purposes that a show doesn't have to do given that it'll probably run 3-4 seasons at a minimum.


SoulCruizer t1_iyf12f9 wrote

Wtf it doesn’t push anything. Personality and connection matters not race. Besides Ellie and Sarah don’t look that much alike other than being white. I can guarantee you Joel would feel no difference if their skin color was the same or not unless you want to install implicit bias into a fictional character.


SnappyTofu t1_iyejqym wrote

Well it would have been a little weird to race swap Joel and not do it to Sarah too


Duke_Cheech t1_iyeo25v wrote

Pedro Pascal is actually completely white (Spanish and Basque). And Sarah's actress isn't Hispanic so I wouldn't say the change was necessary (not saying it's necessarily a bad thing but just sorting out the facts).


DisneyDreams7 t1_iyfe911 wrote

Bella Ramsey also looks nothing like Ellie and isn’t Hispanic either
