Artichoke19 t1_ixlrt42 wrote
What about UK Disney+???
trillz420 t1_ixlx4sc wrote
Well worth a watch.
Look out for Florida Man
I_Punch_Catgirls t1_ixm1s7t wrote
Nice. I haven’t watched since halfway through season 2 but definitely gonna binge it now that it’ll all be there.
Mentoman72 t1_ixmck5t wrote
Season 3 didn't really work for me but season 4 blew me away. Really really good.
DaveInLondon89 t1_ixmdp45 wrote
We get Slough starring Alan Carr.
Artichoke19 t1_ixmdwo3 wrote
I know thats a joke but I’d probably watch that
Jackski t1_ixmgswg wrote
It will probably be the same. It has been for the last few times Disney+ Canada announced releases
natus92 t1_ixmyee4 wrote
or german disney
Lambchops_Legion t1_ixn85io wrote
Great finale
Lambchops_Legion t1_ixn8amz wrote
Season 3 definitely worked for me but Season 4 coming so soon after I felt helped the people who didn’t like 3
KennyKatsu t1_ixnio3t wrote
Season 3 wasn't even bad television too.. I think just the long wait between 2 and 3 got our expectations too high, and that S1 and 2 were just amazing.
Burn3d0ut89 t1_ixnozwi wrote
Still waiting on King Of The Hill but Canada has that too!
Twain_Driver t1_ixo2ac0 wrote
Witness the thickness!
Gary_Vigoda t1_ixoobia wrote
So they're pulling it off FX and putting it on their subscription based streaming service.
This is like an ad giving you the middle finger while smiling at you.
Attorney2257 t1_ixoovmy wrote
Bruh! FX isn't free. And all shows go to streaming after their original run. Wtf are you on about?
Gary_Vigoda t1_ixopyvl wrote
It's part of my cable bundle. Why would I want to pay for FX if there's no good shows on it?
Then Disney expects me to sign up for their shitty subscription service that I don't want because half the content is not anything i'd ever watch.
Love-That-Danhausen t1_ixorns9 wrote
These shows all still air on FX at least in the US - but they also air on Hulu here.
DeBatton t1_ixp4eft wrote
UK Disney+ was about 3 months behind with season 3. So we might be looking at more like Jan/Feb next year.
AustinRiversDaGod t1_ixp6xf5 wrote
I loved 3, especially the finale, but it had that Season 2 of the Wire "Where's the black people?" feel. It was an interesting choice to move away from Atlanta, but I think at the end of the day the show was called Atlanta for a reason and season 4 going back was a big difference.
Either way, a great way to end a fantastic show. The episode where they go camping is one of the most beautiful episodes of any TV show I've seen
AMA_requester t1_ixphp0e wrote
They still air new episodes on their respective channels first before hitting a streaming service, unless they air on said service or have some deal to do i simultaneous. It will have been a month after the show is ending, I don't see them adding it making your FX sub pointless unless you only used it for Atlanta.
[deleted] t1_ixpit5j wrote
Letsgobroncos t1_ixprpea wrote
Season 3 makes a lot more sense after the series finale
f-ingsteveglansberg t1_ixpvmsw wrote
Show titles rarely make sense after the first season or two. How is Jess still the New Girl when she has lived with them for half a decade. Are they still Friends or a hook up circle. Twin Peaks? But James Hurley is out of town in that rich ladies house. He Broke Bad in season one. He's done Breaking. Even The Wire wasn't about a wiretap after season one.
BelgianBond t1_ixqi3kc wrote
Yes, it doesn't appear to be out in December at any rate:
Kingofthegnome t1_ixt11qn wrote
I really didn't love season 3 but this season is really fun.
[deleted] t1_ixtu9fw wrote
frezz t1_iy1ldfk wrote
Season 4 just made me feel sad. It was so refreshing being with those characters permanently again then it ended for good. The magic still felt like it was there
if he had made those anthology episodes into a spin off series, it probably would've won raked in all the emmys
NBD_Pearen t1_ixlnhnf wrote
Been meaning to watch this. Keep having clips come up in my YouTube algorithm, probably means something.. right?