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OP t1_ix8ywzg wrote

no no no Dark didn't fail. it was a masterpiece. But it had its failings, mainly the complete lack of joy throughout and complete lack of any personality in almost every character. It also took 2 episodes to get truly engaging. These are things which 1899 fixed.

Also, I guarantee a lot of people quit Dark before getting to the end of the 2nd episode, because the main special aspect of the show wasn't revealed yet, and the show had very bad vibes and was slow in the beginning. It was off-putting in the beginning but it became truly sensational after a couple episodes


t1_ix8z68w wrote

Lack of character and personality? Maybe if you watched dubbed.


OP t1_ix8zqcd wrote

I would never watch dubbed. It took time for me to realize this, but there is extremely few scenes of humor or joy in Dark, especially season 1. And everyone speaks always in a super serious tone = no personality.


t1_ix90bfm wrote

The show is literally called "Dark" it isn't suppose to be humorous.


OP t1_ix90tv9 wrote

So? My point is that a joyless show with bad vibes is off-putting for many.

And it's a flaw too imo, there needs to be balance.


t1_ix917h3 wrote

Balance to whom? Did you actually watch it? Maybe How I Meet Your Mother is more your style.


OP t1_ix92ckn wrote


Dark would be better and more enjoyable if characters actually had some personality and there were some more moments of joy in it. I'm gonna leave it at that.


t1_ix92yuf wrote

The show was to complex for you. Move on.


OP t1_ix936fu wrote

Are you a troll? I said the show was a masterpiece. I watched it all and appreciated the complex story. You seem to think the show is beyond criticism and anyone who criticizes it is dumb. When in reality it is you who is narrow-minded.


t1_ix93s4r wrote

So how is 1899 better? In your opinion? There is no humor or character development yet either. It takes time yet you eqiviat it already. Where is the joke? Find a mirror and point at yourself because then will you find it.


t1_ixbj3kh wrote

Lol ur getting downvoted because u have a legitimate opinion. All while the other guy is getting upvoted for acting like a child in an argument because he's taking offense and got butt hurt over criticism of a show.


OP t1_ixbntjg wrote

Thanks these coondescending, snobby Dark fanboys are excruciating! I even admitted the show is a masterpiece and they still can’t handle me even slightly criticizing the show. They’re so pathetic


t1_ixd3utk wrote

Off-putting for many. Many being a small percentage of viewers compared to those that didn't think it was off-putting and actually felt pulled-in due to the tone and content.

So maybe it was off-putting to many, but it was the opposite of off-putting to most people, like a significant factor more people than those that disliked it.

You and your RL social circle are not 'many people', you're just anecdotal evidence, bias, not proof of any fact or statistic at all


t1_ix9aap3 wrote

I would seriously consider holding off on contrasting the shows until you finish the season.


t1_ixa336x wrote

Lack of joy and personality in characters? Have you watched 1899? There are about two (bad) jokes in it, and the characters are all wafer thin.


t1_ixa9kwx wrote

What? The exact opposite is the case. The characters in Dark are, well actual characters and feel like real people. They have normal lives and behave like normal people until shit hits the fan.

In 1899 everyone is miserable from the start before any mysterious things even happen. The characters don't feel real because everybody is acting so anxious and everyone is so damn serious from the beginning as if they know they are starring in a mystery show.