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Kh2008 t1_iwb0360 wrote

Him leaving new girl for happy endings made sense. But he also was amazing on new girl.


Nick357 t1_iwb78ui wrote

Oh shit, did he fuck up?


duraxTwo t1_iwbctew wrote

Wayans Jr. got a better job -> That job ended sooner than expected -> He got his old job back


Nick357 t1_iwbcvmu wrote

Okay, good. I was worried for the charming millionaire.


RealCoolDad t1_iwbrbpq wrote

Well, he did happy endings first, then shot the pilot for new girl, and when happy endings wasn’t cancelled, he stayed with happy endings. But I’m glad new girl brought him back.


zeroxray t1_iwe51nb wrote

new girl would've been 100x better if Coach stayed. Winston was a odd character


Look_to_the_Stars t1_iwcol5e wrote

Did pilots for both New Girl and Happy Endings. Both got picked up so he decided to go with Happy Endings, which is why Coach moves out after the first episode of New Girl. Happy Endings got canceled after 3 seasons, so they brought him back as Coach on New Girl.