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preppytarg t1_j1mqlrl wrote

I was super into this show for the first 3-4 seasons, but I fell off.


FloatingPencil t1_j1n68ll wrote

I wasn’t keen on the 20 year time jump (same with the books) and interest really dropped when it moved to America. Still watch it but I’m not jumping on every episode the moment it’s released anymore.


keving87 t1_j1ncqgu wrote

Same, and I'm not all that into the storylines coming up... but I do hope the show gets to finish. Diana Gabaldon is writing the 10th and final book now, so if nothing else I hope she gets it done and they can condense the seasons into multiple books where possible without losing key things.

I'm not at all interested in the prequel series though.


orderinthefort t1_j1n18tb wrote

It was only interesting when it was still in Europe and the time travel was still a mystery, which both concluded with Season 3. The mystery being solved + them going to America completely ruined it. Nobody wants to see colonial America, especially Americans. And especially with no mystery to keep it fresh.


jlesnick t1_j1n1vrl wrote

See I love when things slow down in America and it becomes more about their day to to day lives.


GlockGuy- t1_j1o3azl wrote

The only thing that bugs me about the plot in America is the fact that they settled right in the middle of what Claire knows will become a war zone in the coming years. Hell, head west and discover gold in California 75 years early or something.


LostAbbott t1_j1p51pi wrote

Come on dude. She wants to stick around and see who will rape her next. It is like the spice of life in this world. We cannot have her moving off to Cali and getting raped by Natives, that would be very in PC. Also how else is she going to safely cheat of Jamie with out the possibility of rape hiding behind every corner.


no_name_left_to_give t1_j1ngz5c wrote

Ron Moore, the original show runner, left halfway through season 3 but his influence could still be felt through the reminder of the season and even in some parts the following season. Moving the location of the story to America was and continues to be a drag, but what really made it bad were some of the terrible screen writing decisions (the switch in the ring that was stolen and the aftermath of that, Roger and Bree's fight, not having Bree getting to know the Murrys, just Roger in general, Claire and Jamie missing the birth etc) that needlessly departed from the events in the books.

Season 6 kinda returned to form so if I'd recommend you'd catch up.


horseren0ir t1_j1oaxyf wrote

Season 6 was terrible, nothing happened all season and then when it finally did the season was over


Kellythejellyman t1_j1njb8h wrote

at this point i’m mostly here for McCreary’s score and Huegan’s….everything