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t1_j1vlhnh wrote

If you would have read my post correctly, you would have seen that I mentioned, that different races should be included in a way that it makes sense and that women should be portrayed as women with great traits and not as men that behave like arrogant antagonists.

And I believe if that would be the case, the quality of the shows would rise and therefore the success would be bigger, yes.


t1_j1vlrdm wrote the two biggest African American characters in rings of power were like the best parts of the show


t1_j1vmvua wrote

Yup but because they are PoC, there is no way they were "great". They think they were just added to the show to meet a checklist and completely disregard their good performance.


t1_j1vlz8u wrote

>women should be portrayed as women

What does this even mean? You sound like an incel.


t1_j1vm0og wrote

So...the diagnosis here seems to be that you just have a bunch of related misconceptions in a big jumble and they're confusing you.

There is no "woke agenda" being forced on you. It's just that you're suddenly seeing more people on screen who aren't just like you and the people you're most comfortable with. It's that simple, even if you won't see it.


t1_j1vm2ob wrote

What doesn't make sense about the races of humans in Star Wars or Rings of Power? I don't really know what the rest of your comment is supposed to mean.


t1_j1vm1zn wrote

In the case of Star Wars, what would be a way that makes more sense for an Asian or black character?


t1_j1vrc1a wrote

Different races should be included that make sense.....WTF? Why wouldn't any race make sense? A character needs to be of a certain race for what reason?


t1_j1vsstl wrote

Because a medieval village does not have random characters from different races that never showed up in that series before. Are you guys dumb or simply results of the US education system? WTF?


t1_j1w0dii wrote

> Africans have been present in England for more than two thousand years, but we rarely see them or hear about them. And often their existence is dismissed as a figment of 'political correctness' or 'wokism.'

>Contrary to popular belief, there were black people and others from around the world seen in every corner and nook of society.

>Living in Portugal, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, and England. International trading cities such as Venice were multicultural magnets. It’s time to rethink everything we know about the presence of black people in Europe during this time period. The picture of the middle ages isn’t accurate without them.

See this is why I think you’re an idiot.


t1_j1w3p17 wrote

You’re not even reading your own articles. Surely there were in trading ports and big cities and castles. Surely not regularly in village towns with a handful of houses.


t1_j1w48bg wrote

Ah yea I didn’t think of that. Surely it would be impossible for any of the thousands of black people in cities to ever appear in a village.

See this is why I think you’re an idiot.


t1_j1vximn wrote

Everyone read your post correctly, and it’s asinine. Now you’re doubling down by essentially saying “female characters should behave the way I want them to.”