
HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j6tbbw3 wrote

There is no evidence to the contrary plus the commenter isn’t some genius because they observe that people sometimes lie. Certain groups have a vested interest in convincing the international community to stop supporting Ukraine, and convincing them that funds are being misused is one way to accomplish that. The Ukrainian people’s existence depends on international support. Without evidence the observation is at best useless and at worst harmful.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j5igsqs wrote

I thought this was a maze for a good few moments. Seems to start in the top left with the arrow sign, then streets are blocked off from continuing further down until you get to the far right. From there you can go down or move left, and if go left and take the lower fork you will get to a dead end. However after this most everything seems connected.

Still very cool, I love the style.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1xbc95 wrote

You know who assumes bullshit just because it was said by someone who may have a vague motive to lie? Covid deniers. Election deniers. Most conspiracists. I’m not a fan of that way of thinking.

If I have a $468 billion dollar company and I wanted to know if something bundled within that service was profiting my company, I would probably first look at how popular it is. If something bundled in my $468 billion dollar company was the most popular thing in that company, and I spent less than half of 1 billion on it, I would say it’s probably profitable.

Then again I don’t really know. I know that people with more information than I have have said it’s profitable, and no one has shown otherwise. Least of all you.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1wwzu2 wrote

The show runners say it’s successful but some random person on Reddit says nah, based on pure speculation and perhaps the most laughably shallow analysis of profitability I’ve seen. Oh yeah your completely uninformed feelings totally hold more weight.

As far as cute keyboard warrior comment, that’s funny coming from someone arguing with me on a keyboard.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1wg3h2 wrote

> “It’s just been a powerhouse for us. And, as big of an investment as it’s been, it has more than paid off for us,” Amazon’s Head of Television continued. “So, we’re thrilled. But it’s a great question. I don’t even know what the initial hopes were, but we’ve also grown so significantly as a service, with both this and the NFL, over the fall. We’ve just seen a tremendous surge of new memberships.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1w0dii wrote


> Africans have been present in England for more than two thousand years, but we rarely see them or hear about them. And often their existence is dismissed as a figment of 'political correctness' or 'wokism.'


>Contrary to popular belief, there were black people and others from around the world seen in every corner and nook of society.

>Living in Portugal, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, and England. International trading cities such as Venice were multicultural magnets. It’s time to rethink everything we know about the presence of black people in Europe during this time period. The picture of the middle ages isn’t accurate without them.

See this is why I think you’re an idiot.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vyhs7 wrote

Well if you have no opinion as you haven’t seen it then cheers. From what I remember a month or so before RoP was released it came out there was a black elf, and a lot of people were very mad about it and called it bad writing… for a show that none of them had seen yet. Always thought that was kind of funny and proof that a lot of people will say it’s the writing when it has nothing to do with the writing.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vt2bn wrote

Literally no one disagrees outside extremist weirdos. Remember when Billy Eichner pulled this with Bros? Virtually everyone in any comment section was like no dude it was just a boring movie.

Just out of curiosity what did you think when it came out the RoP had a black elf?