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HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vpzkp wrote

That’s weird I’ve watched a lot of movies with black, women or gay leads and never felt like I had to like it.


capodecina2 t1_j1vr9sp wrote

I’ve seen a lot of shows that I didn’t enjoy, because I thought the story was weak only to be told that apparently the reason I didn’t find it enjoyable must’ve been because it had a female lead or something like that, which never occurred to me.

My point was that some shows/movies don’t put in the effort of developing good characters and good stories, and then when people don’t like it, they say its because the character wasn’t some old white dude or something. It’s an excuse for poor story writing.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vt2bn wrote

Literally no one disagrees outside extremist weirdos. Remember when Billy Eichner pulled this with Bros? Virtually everyone in any comment section was like no dude it was just a boring movie.

Just out of curiosity what did you think when it came out the RoP had a black elf?


capodecina2 t1_j1vtywb wrote

I have no idea what RoP is.


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vu4o5 wrote

Rings of Power, Lord of the Rings show on Amazon that’s been referenced several times in this post and comment section.


capodecina2 t1_j1vws22 wrote

Oh, thank you I was actually wondering. No I haven’t seen it. Been binge watching old Star Trek Deep Space Nine


HardDriveAndWingMan t1_j1vyhs7 wrote

Well if you have no opinion as you haven’t seen it then cheers. From what I remember a month or so before RoP was released it came out there was a black elf, and a lot of people were very mad about it and called it bad writing… for a show that none of them had seen yet. Always thought that was kind of funny and proof that a lot of people will say it’s the writing when it has nothing to do with the writing.