DabbinOnDemGoy t1_j6o9zvf wrote
A lot of people have very little free time to really "discover" tv, and some shows are pretty apparent from what they'll be from the get-go, whereas others need a few episodes to really get going. Particularly, the first season of Bojack got fairly weak reviews because only the first few episodes, where it was mostly animal puns and traditional sitcom tropes, before it showed what it was actually about.
However, not every show does that; a lot of shows early episodes are pretty indicative of what you're given for the rest. So it's pretty reasonable to ask, if you're someone with not a lot of time to spare, if a show you might be interested but aren't feeling quite yet does a Bojack and "finds its legs", or if you what see early on is exactly what you'll get for the run of the show.
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