
DabbinOnDemGoy t1_jare01d wrote

That's the point; people do use "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" as a different way of meaning 'work harder'. I'd argue most people don't understand what the phrase actually means, and have heard/used it wrong.


DabbinOnDemGoy t1_j6o9zvf wrote

A lot of people have very little free time to really "discover" tv, and some shows are pretty apparent from what they'll be from the get-go, whereas others need a few episodes to really get going. Particularly, the first season of Bojack got fairly weak reviews because only the first few episodes, where it was mostly animal puns and traditional sitcom tropes, before it showed what it was actually about.

However, not every show does that; a lot of shows early episodes are pretty indicative of what you're given for the rest. So it's pretty reasonable to ask, if you're someone with not a lot of time to spare, if a show you might be interested but aren't feeling quite yet does a Bojack and "finds its legs", or if you what see early on is exactly what you'll get for the run of the show.


DabbinOnDemGoy t1_j6mx2mz wrote

> For those of us who wfh, the impact of the lockdowns may not seem like much. But there are many people whose lives and small businesses have forever been impacted by them

I can't speak to other countries, but "muh small businessmen" in the US got insanely generous handouts, many of which were almost entirely forgiven without question.

I understand the whole "DAE literally everyone on the planet just became a total pussy in Spring of 2020 when they shoulda sacked up and dealt with it?", but medical supplies aren't infinite. Or did you forget that whole part of it? I'm real sorry some shithead had their Mom and Pop bowling ally closed down, but everyone was dealing with some shit at the time and "idk maybe most of us are gonna be ok..." sounded as stupid then as it does now.


DabbinOnDemGoy t1_j522q82 wrote

if you have no intention of watching most of the shit again, wave bye bye. But pay attention to all the shit being removed from streaming these days and ask yourself what are you going to be ok with, theoretically, never getting your hands on again.