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t1_j437l70 wrote

In Noah Hawley I trust


t1_j43e10s wrote

I did too until I saw Fargo season 4. It wasn't the worst series I've made it through but it was a big step down in quality from the first 3 seasons.


t1_j43gn0r wrote

They wanted to do too much. none of the storylines were bad but none had enough time to be good either.


t1_j45due1 wrote

Also, it seems that actors known primarily for comedy (Rock + Schwartzman) are not that great at playing believable and intimidating mob bosses...


t1_j48336b wrote

Really? I thought Chris Rock was good but the plot was just kinda messy


t1_j46h3g9 wrote

I thought the whole ghost thing was out of place (which is odd when I loved the UFO in Season 2) and the whole thing with Satchel being Mike was too on the nose.

Still I love Salvatore Esposito and I'm glad he got to be in a Hollywood production.


t1_j43s342 wrote

So like Rome Season 2?


t1_j442gem wrote

The Rome showrunners were told it wouldn't be getting another season, so I'm pretty sure they sandwiched some of their plans for later seasons into Season 2. And hey, for die-hard fans and people even remotely familiar with the actual history, I'd say it still works.

Fargo Season 4 is mostly self-contained apart from a returning character from Season 2. I think the main issue with it wasn't the number of storylines, but rather how tangential some of them were. If someone liked some of the uh, weirder hijinks in the earlier seasons, I don't think they'd say the storylines weren't good. It's just that they weren't as good as the ones in Season 2. But that's a taaaaall order. There were tons of naysayers after Season 3 as well, but I've seen a lot of people reevaluating it over the years. I feel like Season 4 is gonna get the same treatment. It's not as good as Season 2, sure. But it's still good, and arguably better than most of the crap that was on TV back then or even now.


t1_j45f7u8 wrote

Yeah, Rome had a five season plan with season 2 ending with Brutus’ death, 3 and 4 focusing on the stuff with Egypt, and 5 focusing on the rise of Jesus. Ultimately they squished seasons 3 and 4 into season 2 which is why it rushes through everything.


t1_j45mg9x wrote

All the Rome props and costumes all burned in a fire as well. Am I remembering that correctly?


t1_j49cq9v wrote

Yeah. It was one of the first shows I got excited about and then saw it collapse. Just embarrassing how little of a spark, when it deserved so much more. Reminded me of when Poochie had to “go back to his home world”.


t1_j43z0qe wrote

Season 4 also suffered heavily because of Covid. So it's somewhat understandable.


t1_j455orj wrote

Also because of Chris Rock. He's a great comedian but was terrible in Fargo.


t1_j45ot25 wrote

Spiral was really bad too, I remember being really excited for him when both projects were being made, thinking he was going to have a great couple of years.


t1_j43ok7m wrote

Anybody who has seen Lucy in the Sky would not have blind faith in him. It’s bad.


t1_j45gd1q wrote

I had the displeasure of going to the world premiere. So disappointed. Hawley was there to introduce it and it was clear he knew it was dogshit. He really didn't want to be there - and seemed to almost have contempt for the audience


t1_j44cj8u wrote

Chris rock just isn't a good actor either. A lot of those scenes were really hard to watch.


t1_j453vcg wrote

did you decide he wasnt a good actor before or after the whole academy awards thing,because its funny how nobody brings up will smith's holier then thou attitude he had before that incident

i will agree with thrillhouse though that the saw movie he was in sucked


t1_j45e1d2 wrote

Wayyy before. He's fine in light drama / comedy roles when he just sorta plays himself, but any time he has to play a more serious or solemn character in like a thriller or realistic drama, he ends up sounding really forced and awkward...


t1_j44k5zj wrote

It was weird. It was the worst season by far, but the black and white episode was probably my favorite in the entire series.


t1_j44bioq wrote

I didn't mind it, I think a good amount of the episodes were finished prior to the pandemic so we can't really blame that.

Although I do think it was next to impossible to do anything that could conceivably compare to the first 3 seasons of this show. We'll see what happens with S5, but I feel like they might want to end it after that just for the sole fact that the bar was set so high with the first several seasons its just hard to duplicate or even come close to reaching that bar.


t1_j47o19o wrote

I agree. It was a huge departure even tonally and I feel that Chris Rock was miscast. I remember wondering how much of the production was hindered by Covid at the time. It’s unfortunate because I liked the premise, but the execution was just not up to par with the first three seasons (of which I feel #2 was the strongest). It gave me reservations for sure on Hawley’s handling of the Alien series.


t1_j45089x wrote

I watched the first couple seasons again recently and I've gotta say they don't hold up as well as I hoped. The seams are starting to show. The dude seems like a bit of a hack who did a serviceable job with those first two seasons then made a couple seasons that IMO weren't that good. Not gonna mark my calendar for s05.


t1_j45qd6v wrote

No way S1 was really a well done show, Key & Peele, Billy Bob, Hobbit dude

It may not be Breaking Bad but it’s really good.


t1_j486bzg wrote

After Season 4 of Fargo (the first I didn't finish), I'm a little worried.

This show has the capability to be great, but it has a lot of conceptual red flags going around. The fact that it seems to be surrounding this transhuman "lost sister" plot makes me worry. Don't get me wrong, I love transhumanist science fiction. But I also don't want to see the Alien get sidelined in its own show.