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t1_j43ve1l wrote

Am I alone in wanting a conclusion to David's story, even though Prometheus and Covenant had problems? I hope Scott finishes the trilogy.


t1_j4454sv wrote

I would watch it, but I also feel like at this point, you can kinda fill in the blanks yourself, which I'd imagine would turn the movie into kind of a box-ticking exercise focused on plot:

  1. David invents the Queen (probably experiments on himself to become some weird hybrid Engineer/Android thing)

  2. Walter catches up with David

  3. Walter tries to stop David from destroying Earth

  4. Ship crashes on LV-426 in a spectacularly weird fashion

  5. Alien.

Now, does the idea of a mad scientist movie starring JUST Michael Fassbender in space sound like something worth watching? Absolutely. And it'd probably give Ridley a lot of time to put a lot of his (close approximation to) philosophizing into the movie (basically the best parts of Covenant, really) so it wouldn't just be plotty plot plot. But I don't know that there's going to be a lot to it beyond that. Or that he wouldn't fuck up the execution even if he DID have a lot more to it beyond that initially (see: Prometheus).


t1_j45qn3g wrote

I frankly hate the concept that the aliens AND the alien queen are all a simple invention by a human-made android. It completely cheapens the mystique of the Alien itself by turning it into yet another "folly of man" story.


t1_j47n6j6 wrote

The obsession with explaining every detail has really dragged the franchise down. Same as the Space Jockey.


t1_j4727q6 wrote

No it doesn’t. It makes it cooler.


t1_j473jzx wrote

Agreed, I love the Prometheus and Covenant movies, and Scott does amazing work building up that world. I want to know more about the engineers and see David's story concluded. The aliens imho are not really that interesting to see over and over again. I get it, they're scary monsters, ooo, as if it hasn't been done to death a million times. I want to see people take risks and the stage-play vibes of these two films works great!


t1_j47kmfv wrote

No, I am with you. Plus I liked the two movies. We're they the best thing ever, no.


t1_j46onx4 wrote

I also want a conclusion just to see how it ends. Cause I’m not sure how you can make the jump from the eggs and fully formed baby aliens to the eggs in the original with the chest bursters. It’ll have to be a pretty long movie to fill in the evolution


t1_j48g9g0 wrote

If it's anything like Covenant, they'll probably just say "David spent a lot of time experimenting on cryo-sleeping colonists until he got a batch that's just like the original Alien."