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maciver6969 t1_j4d9wj9 wrote

Yes, some are obligated to promote, but at the level she was hyping it was above normal promotion. There was shit on hbo with it, shit on youtube, her interviews, her "love" for the writing and more.

It is hard to look at her own words and see how anyone thought this was going to do anything besides crash and burn. Especially since they took a show we ALL know and changed damn near everything that we loved about the characters and make them into hot garbage with a shit sundae.

She literally said she loved the writing and how the characters have changed. And it was painful, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The whole thing has been cringe so far, writing was so bad, characters are so bad, and she LOVED it. That is why she is getting the backlash.

99% of the backlash has been about the writing, acting and characters unlike when the asshole attack due to sex or sexual orientation. Nope it is fair to say she pissed directly into a hurricane on this one. MAYBE they can save it with a season 2 that shows Velma in a coma with the shit in season 1 a nightmare or something and bring in someone who at least WATCHED the original Scooby Doo shows...