
maciver6969 t1_jegzx4s wrote

Ai driven virus attacking infrastructure such as power and water would kill millions in a hot climate or cold climate. Very few people live in the "just right" zones. Then we have weoponized drones that could be controlled by the new AI and you suddenly have skynet. We already have the drones like the x-47 the newest c varient can carry 10k of munitions. Now imagine an automated factory controlled by AI mass producing them, and installing their AI in them, then them flying to a loading area where robots arm and fuel them all without a single human hand. Then think about how many of the world has cell phones, targeted malware to overcharge/overload the lithium batteries.


maciver6969 t1_jecrvl7 wrote

Because like most of the media today they are at best hacks and at worst used as weoponized political tools for one side. Hell most people today cant remember when the media used to just report the news and not force their view or agenda on the masses.


maciver6969 t1_jecrmd4 wrote

What a load of crap. I own several hunting rifles and none are bolt action, and can accomodate different size magazines and function exactly the same as the ar line. Do you know the difference between an ar-15 rifle and carbine as well as the varients? For one, the one you mention having shorter barrels are typically carbines, and they are lighter, making them harder to keep on target reliably when shooting rapidly, making them less than ideal to use in a firefight - speaking as former military I was trained in CQB in the navy with the military version of both the carbine and rifle, I prefered the shotgun.

With the idiots in the press demonizing the whole platform yet most cant identify the differences when handed one randomly, and far too many of the morons in office chiming in with their stupidity - like several saying it is a machine gun. As an AR owner, the reason people I know own them is that they are common enough that you can customize it for the needs you have, need a light, they have a bolt on available. Need it more accurate, better barrels and gas kits. Going in brushy areas? Shorter barrel swap. It makes ONE firearm into multiple with minor costs, a great varmit gun, to an accurate deer rifle, to a beast for killing groups of hogs destroying several states agriculture, to a range rifle and so many inbetween.

Mine was originally chambered in dual 5.56 and 223, I later bought a kit to make it use .22lr, and bought a 300 blackout kit a few months ago.

How about why the media harps on the AR platform as demonic, yet ignores the actual statistics that say handguns are overwelmingly used in violence but arent focused on in any meaningful way. Or that the "mass shootings" definition is so full of shit it isnt funny, when almost every shooting is a mass shooting because it involves more than 2 people. Well with the shooter and a single person is fine, but add a 3rd person and they lose their minds. You want the real reason we have so many violence issues? The damn media. Sensentionalizing these stories and it lets every idiot with an agenda to become famous. Start putting the truth out, that a coward went and attacked people who can not defend themselves in so called gun free zones that advertise that no one will be able to stop them because they KNOW that no one is carrying there, just like the latest shooter did in Nashville, she did not go to the mall because there were rent a cops there. Or the Colorado shooter who went past 5 theaters to one that had a nice gun free zone sign up.

No you wont do that. Now tell us why you wont.


maciver6969 t1_jdge93v wrote

I went the other way, I got an appointment to speak with the local media and they had a chat with the ISD on why special needs children were ok to target i their schools. Then I had a "personal" conversation with the Principle after a local football game. Real polite, real close, and very much invading his space. I simply said, I have ZERO issues with my child being suspended, but I will be very unhappy if the bully gets away with no punishment and showed him the dozens of videos of the little shit fucking with him. If you want zero tolerance then you best enforce it equally. Any time after that when ANYTHING happened with my child he would call me immediately.

As a parent we are willing to pay the price it takes to make sure our kids get a fair shake. Even if it means acting like an asshole to force the people who are supposed to be looking out for them to do their jobs.


maciver6969 t1_jdfnivc wrote

Doesnt matter in todays schools where standing up for yourself is always wrong. Doesnt matter if there is REPEATED documented proof they are targeting you I went thru it with my son - special need autistic kid picked on daily and nothing. BUT as soon as he stands up and knocks a pos on thier ass, he is the "problem".


maciver6969 t1_jdfn7p8 wrote

I hate to say it, but some bullies only learn when you stand up and knock the shit out of them. Consider it a public service, just next time you do it make sure the action is worth the consequences. If you are gonna be suspended damn sure make those shots count.


maciver6969 t1_jacao2d wrote

Cool as fuck to watch a pro do it too, a bit of black powder and something to seal the anvil - looked like peanut butter, then attach cable to battery hit switch then a PING noise then look up fast... iirc they are like 45# and go farther up than you would think with the amount of powder they used.


maciver6969 t1_j9dni6d wrote

I agree with you mostly, but you do miss some valid points. And you all assume that everywhere in the USA and the world has good cell coverage and reasonable internet. We had a verizon tower fail 3 years ago and it is finally being worked on NOW. Since it failed I get 1-2 bar at home and no high speed internet for long before it crawls again.


It doesnt matter that they are working fast if they dont maintain the service and actually work in the area you live. So rural areas get fucked, while other areas have "over-coverage". Hell look at the gulf coast, if you are not in New Orleans you dont get priority repair. Lake Charles was out with some services for 5 months after the last hurricane. Then you have to factor in terrain, if you live in the mountains cell coverage is spotty even in california. Communities like Anza and Aguanga fought for 15 years to get more towers in their area and some still have no internet or cell access.

All this has to be taken in when saying cell are in high gear, while true it doesnt represent anything beside the "priority" locations. It is hard to take them at good faith on their expansions when they have never met any of the promises to so many communities.

I agree cell and starlink are not direct competitiors. The cell service is great for where they have a fuckton of towers available and where maintained, but the rest of the nation is just shit outta luck with them at least in the medium term timeframe, while starlink already has a working system that they are improving and filling gaps almost weekly.

I have a different view on the cell and fiber and all the new tech that has been promised to our area now for over 10 years. At&t setup fiber in my area, so did the Verison Fios system, then just STOPPED expanding at all. I live less than a mile from the Fiber optic trunk line, and they send me mail every month or two offering fiber but then come to the time to actually come install they call and say Nope.


maciver6969 t1_j87xhch wrote

So central Texas style weather? So sun shade, wind shade, rain protection... Cold but not for long - you could do the diy route with cattle panels and then make a plywood and 2x4 box with a slight slope to the top to shed water. Solar screen material from home depot/lowes can shade it really easy and is cheap, They also have a waxed canvas tarp that is water proof and ready to hang on the kennel.


maciver6969 t1_j87t3dk wrote

You can get t-posts for cheap at tractor supply, and use cattle fencing material for the walls, and if you get the ridgid cattle panels you can easily slide a few 2x4s across the panels and make a weather resistant area. You dont say exactly what you want, or the weather the animals will face so it is hard to go further. has a ton of different things all diy.


maciver6969 t1_j4d9wj9 wrote

Yes, some are obligated to promote, but at the level she was hyping it was above normal promotion. There was shit on hbo with it, shit on youtube, her interviews, her "love" for the writing and more.

It is hard to look at her own words and see how anyone thought this was going to do anything besides crash and burn. Especially since they took a show we ALL know and changed damn near everything that we loved about the characters and make them into hot garbage with a shit sundae.

She literally said she loved the writing and how the characters have changed. And it was painful, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The whole thing has been cringe so far, writing was so bad, characters are so bad, and she LOVED it. That is why she is getting the backlash.

99% of the backlash has been about the writing, acting and characters unlike when the asshole attack due to sex or sexual orientation. Nope it is fair to say she pissed directly into a hurricane on this one. MAYBE they can save it with a season 2 that shows Velma in a coma with the shit in season 1 a nightmare or something and bring in someone who at least WATCHED the original Scooby Doo shows...


maciver6969 t1_j4d87gu wrote

OR we have another case of having an established backstory, established characters, established formula from a show from the 60's that never really died out that was turned completely in the opposite direction from the franchise we all love.

Liberally blend in shit writing, shit characters, and fucking stupid as fucking fuck premise and you have this hot mess. Turn Fred the classic leader of the group into a narcissistic coward. Shaggy still have no clue WTF they are doing to him. Velma into a character we have a hard time liking, let alone cheering for. Daphine into the hot mean girl with no reason to be in the show... Then lose the one element that was in EVERY other show, Scooby.

Sure, it cant possibly be because it just fucking sucks. No Mr Tinfoil hat here thinks it is some sinister plot, instead of a pile of shit.


maciver6969 t1_j05tpgg wrote

He knows it is a TINY portion of the population with missing fingers/limbs, so he understands it isnt a deliberate slight, shit happens. He almost certainly had a laugh with his wife about it. Source: my friend is missing his leg below the knee and walks a bit like a drunk, so he had a painted captain morgan with a peg leg on his prosthetic leg and makes a ton of jokes about it.


maciver6969 t1_iyes75c wrote

Why is your family opening mail addressed to YOU. Time to have some talks about boundaries. Amazon has a newer feature where you can go to a dropbox and pickup your stuff, I have used it for my wife anniversary gift since we are both home 24/7 due to her illness, so try this


maciver6969 t1_ixl27zj wrote

After Y2K, several groups got together and made a if the shit hits the fan file that had 99% of the important infrastructure repair and operation manuals that you could put on optical media easily and can be accessed with any hardened pc. The US Military has hardened pc equipment, and most commercial laptops should be ok if not plugged in, inside a modern home or office. Also to mention we will still have libraries that contain all our information, including massive ones like the library of congress.

Also most microwaves are essentially faraday cages, unplug it and put your electronics in the micro and they will be safe in most cases.

Transformers will be a pain in the ass, but most electric companies have a fuckton of them stored all over their regions, but it is the bigger stations that will be harder to replace. Most are custom ordered so no one has a supply on hand. They could be done manually but it will take months vs weeks. People who live in regions that have nasty weather will have generators out the wazoo, as will heavy equipment rental places, government offices, not to mention hospitals who have generators too. In a worst case many cell towers have emergency generators too that could be re-purposed to power factories to rebuild power.

The real issue is lack of transportation and refrigeration, without those none of the goods made everywhere else can make it to the cities like NYC or LA and the population of these cities are so large they have no way to feed them all. No trucks, no rail, no ship deliveries. GPS is how almost all modern ship traffic is controlled, so no navigation slows down the ships that didnt have major electronics controlling it. Tankers require computers to control the safety features like not having the correct air mix in the tanks to prevent explosions, control transferring from tanks to keep the ship stable in foul weather and more.

The real threat is the power grid failing in major cities causing fires that cannot be fought since the water is all computerized pumps, the firetrucks are electronic, so imagine drought filled california going up like a torch without air dropped firefighting since they would be fried. Rebuilding an entire state will be difficult, now imagine that on a global scale. Ever single major city in the world on fire, no way to fight it and without food.

People who have skills like food preservation skill such as canning, drying, and preserving food will go waaaaay up in demand. Farmers will be shooting looters day and night. I would think we would have a very difficult 7 or so years before things start normalizing. Local libraries have gardening books, how to do this and that books, so the smart ones will get secure then get the books they need right away. I already do a lot of canning, but never tried doing it to meat before, since that is PRESSURE canning, but I used to hunt and fish so dried a ton of meat and fish in the past, and took a class oh shit back in 97 on smoking, drying, and salting foods for preservation. Salt preservation is almost fool proof, and salt is easy to get in a lot of places, and if on the coast it is abundant and is a byproduct of making fresh water from salt water.

I suspect that most of the at least semi-intelligent people out there will do just fine, while the paste eaters will die. Global warming will be over, and the populations IQ would raise at least 30 points when the internet trolls and general morons die off. Our satellites would be a different story, since they are hardened but not in our protective bubble almost all would be gone. Now here is the issue, without control they will be like a billard table bouncing off each other leaving a massive debris cloud. The debris will take YEARS to burn up and not be a danger to the replacements we would need to send up. That could take an uncomfortably long time.


maciver6969 t1_ixbdb92 wrote

Most contact sports have a "goon" position, their entire job is to make the other team afraid to fuck with them and mind fuck them during the games. Vinnie seemed to enjoy it a bit much but you never heard of him acting like that other than the field. The said his first conviction was bogus his neighbor stole from him, he confronted him then was accused of biting him and beating him, but medical experts said no such evidence - then he admitted the plane fight saying he did it, and witnesses said " The former Wimbledon player screamed obscenities at Stephen Driscoll after he asked him to stop pestering a woman on the flight"

Jones, 38, then slapped Mr Driscoll around the face and pushed his head into a window of the first class compartment of the Virgin Atlantic aircraft.

Seems well earned if he was not taking no for an answer...

People here act like he is an axe murderer lmao We cant put modern society's shit on things that happened in the 80-90's when they were acceptable behaviors especially when he only did the shit on the field.


maciver6969 t1_ix9kaod wrote

If you cant handle alcohol, maybe you shouldnt drink alcohol. Something here sounds fishy - either you drank more than you thought or you had help. Ask your GF how many drinks you had after writing how many you had, and say have you EVER seen me this way after X drinks. Ask her if she thinks it is possible something was added to your drink. If your # and hers are vastly different you may have a problem. EITHER way, I would say call the people at or similar depending on country of origin of course. They can refer you to people who can help if you were drugged, or simply had too much.
