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SafetyMan35 t1_j689xjd wrote

ABC is owned by Disney. Disney is a company that likes to promote traditional wholesome family values. Two mildly rising stars in your news organization who both cheated on their spouses doesn’t support that image, and if/when they split it will cause drama on air, especially as the show they were on was light hearted and celebrity news. Not good having your anchors be the news. It is best to cut your losses and break away from the drama and move on.


Yufle t1_j68m8ak wrote

Thank you for sensibly and respectfully making a valid point. This makes sense to me from the perspective of the corporation. But the reaction from the public (just basing it on folks Reddit and their strong outrage) still doesn’t make sense to me.


SafetyMan35 t1_j68vx47 wrote

Morning news anchors want to present a strong family picture. The core audience after all is stay at home moms. If the cute blonde anchor that you thought was sweet and innocent and had her life together and had a life that was wonderful and happy and the handsome muscular man wearing a perfectly put together suit turned out to both be lying cheating bastards, you would turn away. They broke the image of the perfect family (The Today show was for a long time using the tag line “America’s First Family-TODAY on NBC”).


davidreiss666 t1_j6f24og wrote

Anyone who has to present a strong family picture to tell me about the news is somebody I DON'T WANT to hear from when it comes to the news. For the very fact that they have supposedly strong family values is what makes them incapable of presenting the news balanced fairly and accurately. All it makes them is stooges for right wing Republican bullshit. It makes them the enemy of all truly morality. Family values is and always and forever will be total bullshit!