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ihedenius t1_j6fopmn wrote

Buffy retconned so hard, still it worked.


IgnoreMe733 t1_j6hooul wrote

What did Buffy retcon? I've only watched it one time through, so I don't recall a reason happening.


ihedenius t1_j6hud7j wrote

Watchers Council. It felt like every new season tons of new things appeared.


IgnoreMe733 t1_j6hw00p wrote

Is this a retcon, or adding more lore? I'm genuinely curious as I have no recollection.


moaningsalmon t1_j6jlrin wrote

Did they though? Retconning isn't the same as just adding more backstory. I'm a big fan of the Buffy and Angel series and I can't think of any glaring problems.