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blainooo t1_ja74mag wrote

It's not relationship advice but OP wants a male lapdance from a male stripper while in a relationship and his lapdance was out of one? Hello?


Tryignan t1_ja8ya6y wrote

It was obviously a joke. I know tone doesn’t carry over to text to well, but you can’t all be this dense


cobigguy t1_ja9mr0e wrote

  1. It was a joke.

  2. How insecure are you? Do you really think your partner only ever thinks sexually about you?


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja7ril7 wrote

I don't see a problem with that? Just because you are married suddenly means you're not allowed to look at or be sexually turned on by other people? Seems pretty controlling to me.


ShaderzXC t1_ja9a41x wrote

Looking at or noticing attractive people, sure. Paying for someone to sexually turn you on is a whole other thing.


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja9ew22 wrote

What's wrong with being sexually turned on? Who does that harm?


JimmyLocks t1_ja9h4s5 wrote

Idk pal ask the millions upon million of divorced people on this earth they’ll tell you


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja9hbu7 wrote

Ah, yes, all those divorces that happened because someone went to a strip club.

Got it.


JimmyLocks t1_ja9htt7 wrote

😂 literally just google strip club divorce and you’ll see a full page of instances and opinions on that subject


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja9i75r wrote

I looked at a few. Seems the big issue is someone in the relationship promised not to go to a strip club but kept going but tried to cover it up.

So the issue is lying, which is much more serious than getting a lapdance.


JimmyLocks t1_ja9idt2 wrote

And why wouldn’t they want their SO to go to a strip club?


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja9ik4f wrote

Same reason they don't want their SO drinking too much or watching porn, or gambling? They personally don't like it, for whatever reason.

Not everyone thinks like that.

EDIT: Read the responses here. Most of them say going to a strip club is not a big issue, but the lying is. And the wife admitted she didn't want her husband going because she's just insecure (which, I suspect, is true of most of the people in this thread downvoting me and acting like going to a strip club is some kind of unpardonable sin, when it's realy just all in good fun.).


HumanStruggle8295 t1_ja7fwg4 wrote

Anyway I jokingly told him that I wanna go to a male strip club
Read : I'm going to a male strip club next time I have the occasion because it's not fair you had a good time before meeting me so I want that good time now even if we are in the relashionship* Also he said he didn't enjoy it and she instantly think he lies.
Girl's red flag fucking flying like a chinese's parade.


DozenPaws t1_ja9em3x wrote

You're unhinged. I love when people expose themselves.


Mental_Nectarine_803 t1_ja8gpwy wrote

it's just a joke. me n my gf joke about things like this too because we trust each other 100% and are comfortable with each other.