Submitted by Secretpopsayshi t3_111k06r in tifu

I’ve been going through a lot lately and my body has been awful in response. I went from no periods for three years (Nexplanon) to bleeding every couple of weeks or off and on. I had to get my Nexplanon replaced and I guess it hasn’t kicked in. I’m also now a single mom who was a SAHM, have not received any child support from my husband, and have been trying to make life normal for our child. He’s almost completely AWOL, which is nice, but my income has been $0 since November. I recently got a job that requires a bit of lifting and a lot of movement. I haven’t been in the groove of period care for quite some time and sometimes forget to replace my products in my purse and in my body. So I figured a menstrual cup was perfect. It fit great right away! So comfortable!

At midnight I was getting ready for bed and tried to get the cup to release. I have the worst build for this. Short fingers, super high cervix, and not a lot of space to maneuver. I tried for TWO hours and was fairly bloody from trying to pinch the cup. Nothing helped. I even called a 24/7 nurse hotline for help and she couldn’t help. I decided to sleep and try again in the morning.

This is my second week with my new job and I didn’t have much time in the morning to make it work. So I called in and said I was having a medical problem and asked if I could work on the weekend instead. At 8:30 I called the OBGYN office to ask if I could come in. I was able to get there quickly and be seen right away. Everyone was kind and understanding.

The nurse tried her best to pop the suction, but it wouldn’t work. A speculum and some tools had to be used. The cup had completely suctioned onto my cervix. I’m now afraid to ever try again. (ETA: the cup blew my budget, so no trying others until I get paid.)

And another thing? I live in Kansas City the day after the Super Bowl. I look like the worst.

TL;DR: I tried to make my life easier with a menstrual cup and ended up looking like a slacker my second week of work.



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Poekienijn t1_j8f43vh wrote

I’m so sorry! That really sucked!

I hope they will be understanding.


OkVolume1 t1_j8f4gls wrote

New meaning to the phrase "red solo cup."


Gogo83770 t1_j8f4kao wrote

Peach life brand menstrual cups have a ring at the end that you can put your finger through and pull. I don't understand the other brands that give us that textured post.. how the hell are you supposed to grab that?

I take mine out in the shower, I put one leg on the edge of the tub, and go for it.

I also wear period panties if I'm out and about with my cup, in case something shifts and it leaks.


Gogo83770 t1_j8fj8y1 wrote

I've tried a whole range of them myself.. started off super small, but ended up with a medium sized one. I think my preference mainly comes down to finding the right fit for me. As far as firmness, I started off with ones that were described as being more "soft" but what I found, is that they have trouble snapping back, after I put them in.. so I use an extra firm one now.. seems to snap back quickly, so I'm not fussing about with the fit.


indiana-floridian t1_j8gfh53 wrote

Show the receipt from doctor office t your supervisor as proof that you weren't goofing off, if you need.


MS_Blows t1_j8hvkdb wrote

With a high cervix you'll need a long cup.
I know of a site (no, I'm not afeliated [sp?]) that has a quiz for determining the best type of cup for you. If you want it just DM me.