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OurMasterAM t1_jacz8wq wrote

I'm sorry bud, but... it isn't. From everything you've said, you're putting how you feel above what's best for her.

You want her to stay because you love her, and you feel like you can't live without her. Yes, you have money right now, but you've said that your wife is a better caretaker and has a closer bond to the child. If you were putting your daughter's needs before your feelings, you'd let her live with her mother, and provide financial support.

If the wife will be living with her parents, it's possible they can also help with raising the child. She won't be living alone in some dumpster, she'll have family that can care for her.

It's hard, but put your feelings aside. You can support financially and let her live with the more capable parent. It isn't a case of 'one or the other'.