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Hot-Tone-7495 t1_jadhs0s wrote

Oh Jesus. You cheated when your wife had an infant?? And you want to take a child that young away from their mother? Good lord when does it stop getting worse?


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jadhxz6 wrote

I think you know it all now. I’m scum


Hot-Tone-7495 t1_jadic8t wrote

So maybe make an effort to stop being scum instead of being… whatever this is?


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jadijjr wrote

I’m trying to do what I think is best for my daughter.

It’s not perfect and unfortunately it hurts my wife but it’s the best I think I can do


Hot-Tone-7495 t1_jadkr7h wrote

What’s best for your very young daughter is to be with her mother. If you truly want what’s best for your baby, try talking to your wife about maybe relocating in the same country. Work something out, but a kid that young needs it’s mother.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jadmxk8 wrote

Wife is relocating to her country. That’s non negotiable unfortunately. Daughter is young now but i need to make the decision based on her whole life not her current age


Hot-Tone-7495 t1_jadpita wrote

Sigh. I’m really sorry you’re this way. If your account of this story is this bad I can only imagine your wife’s side.

You have an opportunity to change, you really do. But the entirety of your responses are “my hands are tied I guess, I know I’m an asshole but gosh darn it, I’m doing what’s best for me I mean my daughter!!

I really sympathize with your wife. You’re emotionally manipulative and you seem to know it but have no idea how to stop being that way. I hope this thread was at least a little bit of a wake up call for you because the one suffering the most by your ignorance, is your daughter. Good luck dude, I really hope everyone in this situations lives improve


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jadpwzt wrote

I’m being 100% honest so my wife’s side is probably not too dissimilar from mine.

I’m as fked up as it sounds, but I can only try to do what’s best from here for my daughter


Hot-Tone-7495 t1_jadq71s wrote

Again “my hands are tied”. You seem self aware only of your past mistakes but not of the ones you’re currently making. Which is probably why you cheated a second time after feeling “so much remorse”.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jadr0qe wrote

My hands are not tied. I am making the best decision I can for my daughter. Unfortunately it hurts my wife.

I hate myself for what my wife has to go through but I need to put emotions aside and see what is best for my daughter


BeckyW77 t1_jaeb070 wrote

We know you're scum. Your trying to take your child from her mother. You are actually willing to make her pain and suffering that much worse so you can claim you "love" your daughter more. Give me a break.