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wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vsl14 wrote

What all did I leave out that is so important?


Original_Jilliman t1_j7wckga wrote

That your neighbor likely forgot and it wasn’t malicious, that you had to leave for several days yet still let your cat have access to the outdoors, and all the other details.

I can tell you’re grieving from multiple things here and you’re wounded. You have trauma and are acting irrationally. You are ruining your neighbor’s life. Please, PLEASE make this right if you still have time before he’s homeless and get therapy for yourself if you haven’t yet. I speak from experience. Please get help and don’t let your neighbor take the fall for this.


Steel_Town t1_j7vv3j6 wrote

Robocop thinks your old post said that you killed your own cat. Not sure where he/she got that from. It says nothing in your original post. gif


Opposite_Match5303 t1_j7w0umx wrote

OP let their cat out despite knowing full well that their neighbor had an auto repair business. They are 100% responsible for the cat entering the neighbors property and poisoning itself.


UnkhamunTutan t1_j7wfijc wrote

For 3 days. The cat probably didn't have anything else to drink.