Original_Jilliman t1_je50fk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Meghan493 in He Always Kissed Me With His Eyes Open, And Now I Know Why... by therealdocturner
Ugh same! I have trouble reading anything with the animal abuse tag but this one drew me in. So glad the dog lived!
Original_Jilliman t1_jdky033 wrote
Reply to My boyfriend went missing in Glacier National Park. I think I know what happened to him. by ArtIntoArtemis
Stan sounds exactly like an ex of mine. He was narcissistic and abusive, very much like Stan. Sounds like that snake-monster-thing did you a favor. You said Stan wanted a snake anyways. I hope he didn’t give the poor creature indigestion.
Original_Jilliman t1_jbbwf0a wrote
You know how those deep sea fish use lures? Maybe the woman was a lure.
Original_Jilliman t1_j9rzw5i wrote
Reply to it will not stop snowing. update by Separate_Operation52
Glad you survived so far and found company but sorry to hear about your legs. I’m glad you decided not to give up! When you’re with survivors, try to have at least two of you together at all times. Being alone during apocalyptic situations is dangerous. Good luck!
Original_Jilliman t1_j7wckga wrote
Reply to comment by wastingtimaway in TIFU by getting a new cat and sending my neighbor over the edge. by wastingtimaway
That your neighbor likely forgot and it wasn’t malicious, that you had to leave for several days yet still let your cat have access to the outdoors, and all the other details.
I can tell you’re grieving from multiple things here and you’re wounded. You have trauma and are acting irrationally. You are ruining your neighbor’s life. Please, PLEASE make this right if you still have time before he’s homeless and get therapy for yourself if you haven’t yet. I speak from experience. Please get help and don’t let your neighbor take the fall for this.
Original_Jilliman t1_j7wbq20 wrote
Reply to comment by RobocopsRobocock in TIFU by getting a new cat and sending my neighbor over the edge. by wastingtimaway
Thank you! I was sympathetic until I read the original.
OP, please go see a therapist for depression and ptsd. You have had a difficult life and are acting irrationally. Your neighbor didn’t kill your cat. This was an accident. To be brutally honest, you should have kept your cat inside if you knew you’d be away and there was a risk your neighbor would forget to dispose the antifreeze.
What you did was sick. Your neighbor likely felt bad enough as it was already. That cat was your responsibility. I’m sorry you lost your brother and your cat but you really messed your neighbor up and now he could become homeless. Tell your landlord. Figure something out. Your neighbor doesn’t deserve this.
Original_Jilliman t1_j70jyrn wrote
Reply to Warnings to the wannabe cryptid hunters: I've got major fucking daddy issues by girl_from_the_crypt
I hope Cas is okay on all accounts! I’m not sure what he has to tell you but it doesn’t sound like good news.
Honestly, you should give the sleeping creature a warning that it’s about to be hunted and then tell both daddy dearest and the devil where it is. Once they all start fighting with each other they’ll eventually grow weak. Swoop in and finish all three of them off at that moment with help from your forest friends. Three birds with one stone, eh? (I still don’t trust cloudy bro since it made your ancestor lose his mind.)
Original_Jilliman t1_j6jn05z wrote
Reply to My dead ex-boyfriend uploaded his consciousness online, and he’s stalking me. by Theeaglestrikes
You’ll need someone who deals with banishing the undead: exorcist, shaman, priest, perhaps a Wiccan or pagan could help too and someone who is highly skilled in technology. Since he’s dead, he’ll be considered a malevolent spirit or a demon.
Maybe you can trap him in a piece of technology (this is where tech expert would come in). Bind him to something and lock him away.
Original_Jilliman t1_j56dxus wrote
Reply to "I soup ate a word, dog," by Big_Koala_5718
Must be alphabet soup.
Original_Jilliman t1_j3zqyd2 wrote
What do you mean used to? Like hell, the Devil is letting you go (pun intended). Besides, they sound like a fun crew and you’re set for a job in the afterlife. This is a win-win.
Original_Jilliman t1_j0gq9vp wrote
As soon as I saw the words, “beef stew” I knew where this was going. I’m certain that wasn’t beef. Just look for a weapon in the bathroom. Maybe the lid from the toilet tank? They’re normally heavy and can knock someone out pretty quick.
Original_Jilliman t1_ixcz247 wrote
You were just doing your job, forgiving a sinner. You didn't betray your Father. Maybe this is just going to be one awkward family reunion in heaven.
Original_Jilliman t1_ivulpk9 wrote
Well, you shouldn't have had an affair and your wife should have divorced you if she felt she couldn't trust you anymore. No need for her to go to extremes. Maybe you can install a small camera at your desk. Blend it in with your office supplies.
Original_Jilliman t1_ivmz7ss wrote
Reply to comment by toot_ricky in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
A LOT of people don't follow the directions sadly. If they're not followed the vote can't be counted. The envelopes must be dated. If they get counted without the date, the county can be accused of fraud. I worked at my local polling place. I have friends and family that still do. I'm tired of people who don't bother to read instructions abusing the poll workers. Poll workers are your neighbors who are underpaid and putting in over 14 hour days. Election officials work 18 hour days to ensure things go smoothly. These people do not deserve the amount of abuse and threats they're getting. I'm so disgusted by it.
Original_Jilliman t1_ivmyg3m wrote
Reply to comment by CPBOMBAA in check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
Just follow directions like the rest of us who had to do mail ins before. It's not rocket science. If my adhd brained self could do it during college, I'm sure most of the people in this thread can as well. The issue is people don't read the instructions.
The reason it needs to be dated is because of voter fraud. Elections are heavily audited. If those envelopes aren't dated, they're not going to be counted. It's basic law. Your local poll workers and election officials aren't trying to suppress your vote.
Original_Jilliman t1_ivmx7nv wrote
Reply to check your mail in ballot now! Mine was marked as recorded and was changed to cancelled! by [deleted]
I know polls are now closed but...Can I please stress not to push election fraud conspiracy theories or for anyone to take it out on officials if their mail in was cancelled?
One of the main issues is people not putting the date on their ballot and/or envelope or putting their birthdate instead. It's up to the voter to read the instructions given. Those envelopes MUST be dated or they will not be counted. Elections are heavily audited. Any undated ballots that get counted? That county will be accused of FRAUD.
I did mail ins while in college. If my ADHD brained self could follow instructions and do it properly, I'm sure everyone on this thread can too! READ the instructions. If you're having trouble with it you need to have someone there to explain the instructions to you.
Source: Friends and family involved in election/polling process. Please be kind! The people at your local polling places are your neighbors! They don't get paid much for doing this. I worked at my local polling place a few times before and it was a great experience. Neither they nor your election officials deserve your ire. Many poll workers and election officials are fearing for their safety because of crazy conspiracy theories being spread. They're not trying to suppress your vote! They're following the law.
Please, please be kind! I hope everyone who had issues with their mail in was able to a provisional. Please take care.
Original_Jilliman t1_itasgo6 wrote
Reply to Desmond Cove by HeadOfSpectre
Sorry about your friend! I live about half an hour away from Centralia and have been a few times. It wasn't anything real creepy. I don't think I'd step foot in Desmond Cove though. Deer here are creepy enough as is (and some of the people too).
Original_Jilliman t1_je58wvy wrote
Reply to comment by therealdocturner in He Always Kissed Me With His Eyes Open, And Now I Know Why... by therealdocturner
Thank you, OP! May you all live long and happy lives!