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BeautifullySublime t1_je6xch3 wrote

OP doesn’t have enough karma to assume she’s just lying for karma. So if you’re implying there’s some other motive for her to lie it’s gone over my head.


Howie_Due t1_je6xem4 wrote

OP is a bot

*just look at its comment history and range of subs participation in a short time. Typical bot


BeautifullySublime t1_je6xwcr wrote

Hm, fair enough. Damn, you really can’t trust anything you read anymore


Howie_Due t1_je7242a wrote

Yeah bots have been way more active recently it seems


cyankitten t1_je72m1a wrote

I had a look after you said this 🏃‍♀️ and I think you’re right. I think they ARE a bot. 🤖