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GibbousMoonCakes t1_jdlukts wrote

I can see your point, but if 3 ppl were talking about kids and marriage then 1 leaves, how is it invasive to continue said convo? Asking if she had kids was a natural progression in the ongoing conversation. If she wasn't comfortable continuing said conversation she could have, speaking as someone who has worked retail/c.s. for over 2 decades and as others have mentioned, deflected the (perceived personal) question(s) by changing the subject or given OP vague answers.

It's what you have to do as a customer facing employee; keep it friendly but not too personal/specific


throwawayrtwconcerns t1_jdmeftk wrote

OP didn't ask if she had kids, OP asked if she wanted kids according to the post. That's very personal and invasive, especially when you don't know if the person you're asking has had losses.