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NerdHerder77 t1_iqq0irs wrote

Bumble does it.


quequotion t1_iqq0v1y wrote

I wonder if they keep any data on that. Like I strongly doubt the sincerity of anyone using a dating app to meet someone of a gender they could be romantically involved with strictly for platonic friendship. I assume this is for people who are too socially akward to outright say they are looking for romance who are then nonetheless disappointed when it does not occur, and that it occasionally does occur despite having told the app it wasn't what they were looking for.


NerdHerder77 t1_iqq1yvf wrote

I have not used Bumble myself yet, but in researching, it seems there is an option to include or limit yourself to not only romantic partnerships, but social and business partnerships as well. Whether or not that social or business relationship blossoms into a romantic one from a platonic one is a whole 'nother branch on the proverbial tree, but it seems that some dating apps are not solely for dating apps.