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OP t1_ir4suir wrote


t1_ir5yors wrote

> on that app is where you’re able to communicate with your co-workers and manager, so I thought it would be okay to message her there since that was the only way I could of get a hold of her

It should be okay to use work-provided tools for work-intended communication. Your employer and manager are dumb.

> my manager explains to my mom that there was a sick policy and I was supposed to call or text her

Your job reeks of mismanagement, which tells a lot about your new manager.


t1_ir6c1ls wrote

this. you did absolutely nothing wrong and should not have gone in sick either.


t1_ir99k8q wrote

Also I feel nobody noticed that this manager would be really pissed off if OP had died under a car or something. Nobody is calling sick so I guess somebody will go to the cemetary to fill a penalty and ask why they didn't call?

My office coworker got a less-permanent variant : he got in the hospital in emergency and was allowed a few minutes on the phone (my wife didn't had this luxury!).
Issue? None of the bosses were there yet to receive the warning, as a last resort he tried my number and tasked me to find anybody in the hierachy that would be busy between the offices.

It worked, but anybody assuming that people with medical emergencies can follow a policy never called sick and blindingly assumes that people safety goes after the job.


t1_ir6z1e5 wrote

"...which tells a lot about your new manager"

Or the old manager or the corporate structure of communications itself. There are a lot of people in this chain that can be/are wrong.


t1_ir98k4b wrote

Yeah, the new manager can't be entirely blamed. But the whole point that the sick policy depends entirely on the manager when you have a central app...

Time-keeping app > Employee : Unable to fulfill service > (App : Checks shift manager, send email) > Manager notified

No more need to have a list of managers. If my wife is KO'd I don't want to have to second-guess how to call her sick.


t1_irbs3t3 wrote

>I had no idea that there was a sick policy

Old manager/orientation


>But the whole point that the sick policy depends entirely on the manager when you have a central app...

Doesn't sound like it to me, sounds like the sick policy involves texting/calling the manager first, otherwise this post would be about "My manager did not follow the sick policy" instead of "I followed an old/ad hoc sick policy"


>If my wife is KO'd I don't want to have to second-guess how to call her sick.

So you're going to login for your wife on her work app? I've worked for a few companies where that'd get your wife KO'd from a job as well. Also, apps can go down, wifis can go down. The quickest/most reliable way to contact anyone not physically in one's presence is via phone.

The lesson here is always know employment policies, especially when under new management.


t1_ir7uehi wrote

As a former manager, I do have to say, this is every managers nightmare. With enough notice I can either find someone to cover, or maybe rework the schedule to at least cover some of the shift, but I do need you to make sure I know, and 5 hours is pushing it. Managers are often so busy that checking all the apps several times a day isn't realistic. On the other hand I always made myself available pretty much 24/7. Everyone had my number or knew where it was. I think there's fault on both sides here. And I'm not sure menstrual cramps would count as an excused absence unless you told me ahead of time that it was a recurring problem and you couldn't work that couple of days.


t1_ir8i6lb wrote

Do you have a uterus? Because it sounds like you haven't had bad menstrual cramps before. I have PCOS and sometimes "menstrual cramps" is truly debilitating pain with basically no notice for me thanks to irregular cycles. I've had vomiting from pain, I've passed out from pain, etc. I was definitely not able to work in those conditions. Doctors blew me off for years and just told me it was "normal cramps." Thankfully it's finally diagnosed and I'm able to manage it better than I could as a late teen. But it should 100% be as much of an excuse to miss work as a cold, stomach bug, or other very painful condition.


t1_ir8rlku wrote

Yes, I understand and if she's aware that happens every month, I at least, would have been willing to make arrangements. My only point was that 5 hours, without even direct contact will not be enough time to find a replacement, especially if she hasn't talked to the manager directly. I do agree that the manager not providing employees with direct contact means is a big part of the issue. I always made sure everyone had my number and I was like call anytime for any kind of an emergency.


t1_ir8ug4e wrote

>if she's aware that happens every month

It's not like a pre-scheduled thing. Teenagers have incredibly unpredictable cycles, even more so if they have any gynaecological condition.

If it's PCOS it often happens unrelated to a period, as cysts usually occur during ovulation.

I've been a manager in fast food, it really does suck to have to cover shifts on the fly but it is the most crucial part of the job. That's why hiring is so important, so that you get people who can cover gaps in a short notice.

And 5hours isn't even that bad, our industry agreement says 1hour notice is all casuals have to give.


t1_irblx98 wrote

Wow, that would drive me insane. I thought reliability was one of the most important things.


t1_ir98btd wrote

> My only point was that 5 hours, without even direct contact will not be enough time to find a replacement, especially if she hasn't talked to the manager directly.

Not her fault when the manager didn't make sure everybody had emergency contact. A employee which is sick or enjuried literally need the simplest way to raise the issue. You can't even be sure THE EMPLOYEE will be the one calling : my wife once lost her voice and they didn't want her husband to vouch for her... yet at the same time only accepted vocal calls.

And in particular, that means a single point of contact that doesn't change depending on the manager. Sick policy shouldn't need a service-wide update because one person quit.

> I always made sure everyone had my number and I was like call anytime for any kind of an emergency.

And that's what that shitty manager didn't do. They sent an email and never checked for confirmation. You would say that it's how some humans behave... but again, the work of a manager is to manage humans.


t1_irbjtxi wrote

Right. I agree with all of that. All of my employees knew how to contact me and that if it was important it could be at any time. This whole thing only really started for me because of all the people saying 5 hours is enough. Those people gave never managed a store full of 21 year Olds who just need enough money to party.


t1_ir9825o wrote

> With enough notice I can either find someone to cover

As a manager, what do you do when you have no notice at all?
My wife got sent in the hospital in emergency because she fainted around 4pm. She was 18 at the time and not allowed to call her parents, because you know, she's an adult. She had to plead to be allowed to call... at 10pm.

> but I do need you to make sure I know, and 5 hours is pushing it.

In our country, emergency hospital procedure is that the patient is not allowed basically anything if there's no doctor to examine : no eating, no calling. If no doctor is available you're basically in prison because they have no idea what is or is not a danger to yourself.

The fact is that you are running a business, and you need to plan for the case where an employee will not even be good enough to follow the sick policy.
If your employee get hit by a car, do you let the coworker handle the entire shift?


t1_irblota wrote

Depends on the employee and how busy, but for me if it's someone experienced, I trusted that person to make the call and maybe I can get them some help or the next shift person to come in early. I generally hired compassionate people so in the case of something major I could get someone a lot of the time. If necessary I would cover it myself, but working 50 or 60 hours a week gets really old really fast. Usually my policy was as long as we get 24 hours notice or it is actually an emergency, that wouldn't be reflected on a person's record. Short notice or not showing up was considered an inexcused absence and there's still no consequence unless you rack up 3 of them in a year, at which point we would call the person and and talk about what we can do. I tried to be nice, so if it's like a scheduling problem or something we can resolve then we will do that. But it's not fair to the other employees to just let it go.


t1_ir4xnxc wrote

She should have made that more clear. Your assumption was reasonable. I'm sorry people were so rude.


t1_ir56l7n wrote

It sounds like there was no confusion. The manager saw the email saying they couldn't make it and then responded by emailing them the sick notice form? Or am i misreading that? If the case if they responded with "call in correctly or not at all" then they didn't miss anything they are just ass holes.


t1_ir5lcqh wrote

I understood those are different things. They had some guidelines received in their emails and, without applying that, he used an app to contact her manager.

I may be wrong, please don't judge op based on this.


t1_ireblp6 wrote

It doesn't sound like your manager didn't get your message, in which case they're being a dick. If they got it and wanted you to report it another way, the thing to do as a manager would be to say that you need to do something, not ignore it.

Only thin I'd add is about your email. You're 17, it's not like you have a busy social email scene, Surely the only people emailing you are work, school, and companies sending you promo emails. No need to delete anything, just throw it into folders (either automatically, or as it comes in) and let it stay there forever. Then, if you do accidentally misjudge something, you can find it later instead of it being gone forever.