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JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5cstl wrote

Do not buy from that person ever again. That is extremely weird and abnormal. I’m so sorry that happened to you, sounds terrifying


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5l100 wrote

Should probably go without saying, but make sure your gf is okay too. If you can, you guys should take some time to seriously rest your minds. Your mind has been stressed and stretched a bunch, and it needs to recuperate. Don’t take any drugs for a while, try meditation, try talking with someone who’s had experience tripping, keep things positive in the house (positive music, no tv/movies that’s sad or scary). If you’re religious, make sure you pray. If you have a therapist, make sure you talk to them. Spend time together. Get plenty of sleep. Spend time in sunlight- do not stay locked up in your house. Warn the guy you bought them from. For real, there might be something VERY wrong with the mushrooms you took, and you don’t want other people to have the experience you did. I’m guessing those mushrooms were not psilocybin but were something else.


razor191919 t1_it8kmmd wrote

What makes you think they weren’t psilocybin? Psilocybin can drive people insane. He didn’t mention any weird physical symptoms either.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8oqjg wrote

What makes me skeptical about the mushrooms is that he peaked very suddenly at hour 5-6, and I’ve never heard of someone doing that. It’s also weird that he didn’t perceive himself to be getting higher prior to that but felt like he was getting more sober. If he’s completely off on his time frame, or isn’t as experienced as he’s saying, that would make sense, but assuming he’s correct, I don’t think it’s out of the question that he ingested a different species of mushroom than he was expecting (like an amanita for example).


TAastronautsloth99 t1_it6m5aq wrote

Could also be a high tolerance and creeping psychotic symptoms. A cube is a cube is a cube, but taking them a lot changes your brain more than you'll want to believe.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8ptsq wrote

Could be


TAastronautsloth99 t1_itb9xfi wrote

However, there's of course a decent chance that someone spiked them. Hard to tell. On second thought, I could see a deliriant being involved. But from a purely pharmacological perspective, there's little that could have been different between the shrooms. However, if they turned out to be a very weak batch, the dealer could have made an extract if locally available Brugmansia species, that maybe in a low dose could have had effects like this? At least conceivably... I mean if the friend had a similar time course and symptoms? Also her readiness to let her do this to her? The amnesia?


SpiltSeaMonkies t1_it7jkzi wrote

I don’t think this is that abnormal tbh. Don’t get me wrong, this sounds like a uniquely horrifying experience, and 3 grams does seem like a low dose for these effects. But even the cleanest psychedelics can 100% produce these types of experiences in the right quantity and with the right set and setting. Ego loss is a hell of a thing.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8pr3r wrote

It’s not the ego loss that tips me off, it’s the timeline and the extremity of it that makes me concerned about either the potency or species of shrooms he ingested. But it’s totally possible that he has something psychologically off with him, I’m not eliminating that possibility. If his gf was fine and only he lost it, then maybe there’s something going on with him.


SpiltSeaMonkies t1_it9h9fr wrote

Yeah I agree, the timeline is odd and, while I’m not a mushroom expert, I haven’t experienced anything like that before. Could be a weird species I guess, I think there’s a lot we don’t know with mushrooms and other psychedelics. It’s also possible they metabolized them weird and had a latent intense reaction, and both are psychologically normal. Someone else in the thread mentioned tolerance since it sounds like they were tripping often, and that could also be a factor.