
JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8rhpz wrote

I think both of your feelings about it are very understandable. The sad part of it is that she obviously really wanted your first time together to be special, and now she’s kind of forfeited that opportunity. She’s gotta learn to make it more clear to people what she wants in a relationship, or learn that she doesn’t have to be your first to be your best, and for it to be special. Is she waiting for marriage, or was she just waiting to be together longer before having sex?


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8pr3r wrote

It’s not the ego loss that tips me off, it’s the timeline and the extremity of it that makes me concerned about either the potency or species of shrooms he ingested. But it’s totally possible that he has something psychologically off with him, I’m not eliminating that possibility. If his gf was fine and only he lost it, then maybe there’s something going on with him.


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it8oqjg wrote

What makes me skeptical about the mushrooms is that he peaked very suddenly at hour 5-6, and I’ve never heard of someone doing that. It’s also weird that he didn’t perceive himself to be getting higher prior to that but felt like he was getting more sober. If he’s completely off on his time frame, or isn’t as experienced as he’s saying, that would make sense, but assuming he’s correct, I don’t think it’s out of the question that he ingested a different species of mushroom than he was expecting (like an amanita for example).


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5rtov wrote

Yea, you shouldn’t have lied. But her joking about you being a virgin just rubs me the wrong way tbh. I think she might have some emotional issues (jealousy, insecurity maybe, immaturity). Good on you for telling the truth btw. We all lie about dumb stuff sometimes, the best people are the ones that can admit that they lied. In the future, hopefully you get with someone who you can like, actually feel comfortable enough to be open with. As a woman who’s dated virgins and nonvirgins, her behavior about sex/virginity screams insecurity in my opinion. She needs to address certain emotions she has about sex, and figure out where these fears come from. It sounds like she might be scared of your ex, and can’t handle the fact that you A. Had sex with your ex, and B. Lied to her, because what else have you lied about? (In her mind). She’s going to have to examine her role in all this, because it’s not just your fault. the thing you lied about is such a weird thing to feel like you would have to lie about, which makes me wonder if maybe you weren’t feeling respected or trusted enough in the relationship


JuliaThaddeus12 t1_it5l100 wrote

Should probably go without saying, but make sure your gf is okay too. If you can, you guys should take some time to seriously rest your minds. Your mind has been stressed and stretched a bunch, and it needs to recuperate. Don’t take any drugs for a while, try meditation, try talking with someone who’s had experience tripping, keep things positive in the house (positive music, no tv/movies that’s sad or scary). If you’re religious, make sure you pray. If you have a therapist, make sure you talk to them. Spend time together. Get plenty of sleep. Spend time in sunlight- do not stay locked up in your house. Warn the guy you bought them from. For real, there might be something VERY wrong with the mushrooms you took, and you don’t want other people to have the experience you did. I’m guessing those mushrooms were not psilocybin but were something else.