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t1_itv1j4c wrote

Ahaha. Lets get something straight. Physical punishment is something I dont agree with, but depending on various circumstances it can be blatant child abuse, or just miss management of parenting methods without making it full on child cruelty. You see, I'm not a parent, but I know enought about it to know that I know jack shit about parenting, so I reduce myself to reasonable moral judgements, and in this situation, since I wasnt there to watch, and taking into account the fact that he called his mom a bitch, I dont think its such a big deal that he got hit for it, I wouldnt do it myself tho, I just dont automatically accuse people of being shit parents and want them to get charged with child abuse for something that clearly it not that simple, just like parenting isnt in itself. Now in my original statement, I said what I thought about the hitting part and that I agreed with the incial "not going out with his friends" punishment, thus not even justfying him insulting his parents, if he deserved it to beggin with. I do have empathy, but just like OP said in another comment, its doesnt happen often, so I dont think the kid will be traumatized and that he will improove and be well with his parents. I was just trying to share some insight on how I'm sure his parents worry about him and how he should try to see their perspective.


t1_itv3i3b wrote

You just wrote half a page about what you said in another comment.


t1_itv3x2z wrote

No and yes. I think it was relevant to what you replied just know. Plus I saw you are the same who was arguing on another thread. What I really care about is what you have to say.


t1_itv53gt wrote

I already said what I have to say: Hitting your child is wrong, hitting your child with a fucking belt is sociopathic, and OP has every right to call CPS to get out of this family (or to just get support, no idea how this works in the states) if op deems it the right course of action.

Also, from the way OP writes about this I can not shake the feeling that this may not happen everyday, but their parents really use cruel punishment more than once or twice. Ofc, only OP can prove this, but the subtext really speaks a certain language, esp. as OP sees this as fuckup on their side.


t1_itv6nq5 wrote

You are right, calling CPS and being taken away is what OP really needs to find some stabilty in his chilhood. Based advice. You are clearly the most knowledgeable. Those social service workers that have 50 kids to look after will take good care of him.


t1_itv8baq wrote

CPS doesn't always equal being taken away, and a 16 year old will get a say in how their life should look like.

Dealing with parents that obviously lack the skills to handle their kids is especially what CPS us for, I don't know why you can only think in extremes.

Anyway, I don't have any more time to spare to argue with you, maybe try to think about if the world is really as binary as you seem to understand it.