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drrevo74 t1_iv0j3z4 wrote

Running away from school is far less concerning than the anxiety and self harm. Please seek help from a therapist or psychiatrist. Life gets better but you're going to need to get help to make that happen.


GregoryGregory666666 t1_iv0ex3k wrote

You are from the first kid to do something like this and you certainly will not be the last. Do not let it get you down so much. Make the decision that you will be well and you will excel. You're young and so many young, nowadays and even back in my day, go through this so know you're not alone and make yourself proud.


Despite_Snow t1_iv0in98 wrote

You aren't the first and won't be the last kid to run away from school. You're okay, and perfectly normal


maciver6969 t1_iv0i40v wrote

Talk to the people, talk to your friends, use your support group, and if you dont have one look them up in your area. It will help a lot. If you still cant find one, hell message me I will talk as I can.

Sounds like you are overwhelmed and need some help. Ask for it.


Otfd t1_iv0u6v0 wrote

You're young stop being so hard on yourself.

And whatever has pushed you to starting cutting needs to be addressed. You're young and already chosen the worst method of dealing with a problem. Life will get hard, but hurting yourself doesn't make it easier. IF you cut yourself because you blame yourself for something, then you need to learn to cut yourself some slack and start having self respect for yourself.

Seek professional help.


Dammit_Mr_Noodle t1_iv0y2ds wrote

I'm hoping your parents are less upset about you leaving school, and more concerned about your mental health. You need some help. I've been there as a teen, and seeing a doctor literally changed my life. Depression and anxiety are awful.


[deleted] t1_iv0ny9w wrote

Google “distress tolerance skills” and “emotional regulation skills” to help you in those moments


Dwestmor1007 t1_iv16f6j wrote

It was probably the best thing you could have done if you are too embarrassed to talk to your parents about it…because now you can get the help you both clearly need and deserve


Any-Cheesecake1598 t1_iv0yk8e wrote

Cutting is an unhealthy coping skill. Your parents and/or teachers are there to help guide you to safer and healthier ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Doing this on your own is obviously not working, so take that burden and let the people that love and care for you help you carry it. Be honest, insist on counseling and please don't feel alone.


shellma42 t1_iv0ztn3 wrote

It seems like a lot right now, but you will get through it. I sent this instagram link to my boys because it's so true. I wish you all the best. Everyone telling you to seek help is right, counseling can help so much with perspective and give you necessary tools to help you all through your whole life. This is bigger in your mind because your are going through it right now. It's embarrassing and that is hard but you can chalk it up to being young. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and you have a long life ahead to make more. Get those tools to help you cope and learn to not take yourself too seriously. You will benefit from it, it's more of a blessing than you know.


Gonrag23 t1_iv1afor wrote

This might be a tifu, but it’s a tomorrow I’m going to start getting better. Yes, uncomfortable talks might be coming, but this is the time to get the help you need. I cannot speak on your family, but I only hope that they will love and support you through all of this. Any good parents will not think you’re psycho, but will do everything they can to help you. I wish you the best OP and know that while life may have its lows, the highs are coming. Always remember that a bad day, or a stretch of bad days will eventually come to an end. Be kind to yourself, we’re all rooting for you.


forcrysakes t1_iv1bjs6 wrote

You are young and still learning the navigate the world. You didn't fuck up nor are you a fuck up. Give yourself grace love.

Don't ever feel embarrassed for having emotions and don't be afraid to seek help if you need it. As a teenager and even towards being a young adult I had a lot of suicidal thoughts from pressure/not being good enough/anxiety and I felt very alone in this world because I was also scared that people would look at me like I'm crazy.

I really had to learn to give myself grace and I still have to remind myself to this day as full grown adult . I hope that you can seek the help you need to learn how to cope with your anxiety and I hope that you can learn to always forgive yourself.

You got this and everything will be okay <3


Revocation_Of_Doubt t1_iv1ltvi wrote

Look, I'm not gonna tell you everything is gonna be fine and not to worry.

But, the hardest part is often the isolation from keeping the secrets, while it might not be easy in the short term, it was never going to get better on it's own.

The first thing is to realise people's initial reactions are filled with emotion, and there will be things said, things done, that are not necessarily meant.

The next thing you should do is try and get some help, everyone already knows now, so steps will likely be taken (I don't know your country so I don't know what mandatory reporting/assistance is in place)

Best thing to do now is take advantage of this situation, talk to everyone you can and get any help you can...

Best of luck to you, its a long road ahead and there will be ups and downs along the way.