Submitted by Keanu__Gaming__xD t3_z23wna in tifu

TLDR: Got partnered with an alt-righter, kept his meme open on my laptop, prof saw and wants to “meet”

What up bros, so basically I am in a business class and our midterm group project had RANDOMLY assigned groups. This is important context for this SHIT that happened to me.

So I was assigned this kid–let's call him James. I’ve never talked to James and basically knew nothing about this kid. Everything was going fine with our project, and he surprisingly is pretty good at getting shit done (better than me anyway).

But, basically, we met in the library after class to finish up our project last Tuesday. He started talking more about random shit that I frankly do not care about: politics, religion, NFL. One of these things was about how our professor was someone who “can’t be trusted.” I should’ve known some shit was up when this was picture on group me

I was so confused but basically, he went into this story about how our prof and this girl in the front row Abigail might be sleeping together or something. His reasoning was because she answers a lot of his questions in class, and “seems the type” (this shit was crazy and important for context). I think he’s kind of joking but I don’t think it's ok I was just listening so.

Anyways I brushed off this crazy dude's comments and just finished up my work. I go to our class on Thursday, and this kid keeps sending me memes all class. I had this fuckers group me DMs open on my laptop, and I’m 100 percent sure this professor saw one of the memes. Basically, my fuck up was having this BLASTED on my pc screen in class. Think I ruined my reputation but idek.

Here is the meme for context (nsfw?)

I say I’m sure because he sent me an email after class saying he wants to meet in his office to discuss some messages he saw on my laptop when he passed by me

Idek what I’m going to say to my prof. I’m also worried because this shit is worth 35% of our grade. Anyways yeah, this is how I fucked up, basically by existing and being a biz student with an edgy troll. Pretty sure I’m just going to rat this fucker out so hopefully I’m fine but this is why we should not have group projects tbh, and don't keep memes up on your PC

Edit 1. I’m just realizing and I guess I should’ve pointed out our prof is Jewish ig so now I understand the meme more holy shit



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AhWhateverYo t1_ixeej9b wrote

Just show the professor that it was sent to you and that you opened them right before he walked by.


TheDaoOfCute t1_ixeffz6 wrote

You didn't do anything wrong, in the slightest. Just explain yourself and show your professor the DMs.


AhWhateverYo t1_ixefyis wrote

If your professor is a fair person, probably not. If he's an AH, who knows. Most likely he won't, but note the situation in writing for your own records in case of an adverse outcome. And continue to do your best in your classes.


Keanu__Gaming__xD OP t1_ixeg0vg wrote

Racist? What? No but I sent some memes like Reddit memes stuff not about our professor. Just confused as to what’s racist, if anything wouldn’t it be misandrist since it’s falling out prof a sex offender because he’s a man?


TheDaoOfCute t1_ixeghi1 wrote

That "greedy jew" meme your groupmate sent to you is not cool in the slightest. It's racist/antisemetic and if you also sent him any memes on that level then you might be fucked.

With that said, if you were just casually sending funny shit then you have nothing to worry about. Again, just show the professor your DMs and as long as you weren't being a shitty human being you should be fine.


Keanu__Gaming__xD OP t1_ixegph9 wrote

Thanks for the write up dao. Tbh I didn’t realize that image had those meanings that’s fucking crazy no I’m not anti Jewish like Kanye or something I was just sending memes from Reddit like you said so hopefully I’m probably done but I’m worried about my group mate and his mental to think that shut is ok in 2022


TheDaoOfCute t1_ixeh923 wrote

Since I have your attention, could you answer my previous question about whether or not you're sending shit-tier racist memes? It's clear that the professor has a problem with what you had on your screen and you can easily clear your name by showing him that your groupmate sent it, but if you were also meme'ing similar shit then you might have dug your own grave.


TremorX t1_ixehgaw wrote

There’s a saying; if there’s a Nazi at a table talking to 10 other people, you’ve got 11 Nazis.

I’m not saying you are, but the association and fact that nobody squashed this shit from the start makes any assumptions by your professor warranted.

We get you were in the crossfire here, but I’m just saying this is probably how your professor is going to approach things.


TremorX t1_ixeiron wrote

There ya go. The point of that analogy isn’t to label everyone a nazi, it’s to make you realize that humoring them even a little keeps their ideology alive. The Nazi ain’t the problem, it’s that his ideology was allowed to spread, and to him there’s little difference between quiet objection and quiet acceptance.


shaferz t1_ixeiyjo wrote

In for pics of abigail. lmao


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixejdhi wrote

Hard disagree. Particularly with "... makes any assumptions by your professor warranted."

A Professor of all people should know that assumptions are not warranted in this context, or most, really. Presumably, he does, as he asked to speak with OP.

I get what you're saying, guilty by association. I've always viewed the 11 nazi saying as more of -- the 10 people aren't necessarily Nazis, but might as well be if everybody they know thinks they are.

Pretty much agree with your post beyond calling an assumption warranted. That is bad.


Lil_Odd t1_ixemcru wrote

I would just explain, “the other guy sent that one, I didn’t realize the anti-Semitic nature of the meme he sent in the group, and feel like garbage for having been part of it and sending other memes in response. I apologize for my part in this and I’m very sorry if you were hurt by what you saw.”


JacksonD22 t1_ixentx4 wrote

That’s an L for not closing your tabs when the professor was walking up lol


commandrix t1_ixeoapx wrote

Just explain all the details to your professor. If he's at all reasonable, he'll understand that your project partner is the bigger AH for sending you that meme in the first place.


Interesting-Month-56 t1_ixeprpw wrote

Tell your prof the truth. If it was sent to you in a DM there will be an electronic trail to audit if need be.

Do NOT prevaricate or attempt to in any way protect the classmate, and do not make excuses. Just lay out the facts.

I would be concerned about a lot more than my project grade. Like being sent to honor court or getting kicked out for threatening a professor.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixews3a wrote

I'm not sure how anyone could be unable to distinguish between something racist and something that's not.

Did you send something that negatively disparages a race or group of people? Then it's racist.


Slave35 t1_ixf1h2b wrote

I honestly don't understand what that's supposed to mean. I THINK I get the gist of it but it's just so grating and horrible that my mind rejects it. Maybe it's better if you communicate in memes from now on. Darmok and Gilead at Tanagra.


C4pt t1_ixf41qd wrote

The only fu was thinking this was a fu


rhamled t1_ixf5vm4 wrote

Op, what is 'idek'? I thought it was a typo but saw it more than once?


aim_so_far t1_ixfcco0 wrote

Tell your professor to mind his fucking business, seriously who the fuck cares if some random student is making fun behind your back. Your professor seems stupid, honestly... if he's actually banging Abigail, this may be better than a shit post. If so, please update!


Brittakitt t1_ixfgvfq wrote

I do what he's doing all the time when people make a gross joke. I just keep asking them to explain further until they're uncomfortable too. Though I'm not sure if that's the tactic OP is using here.


Akvian t1_ixfl582 wrote

Did you contribute to this dude's shitposting at all? If not, then showing him the chat records should be enough to clear your name.


ErichOdin t1_ixgtzgf wrote

Seems like the plot of a poorly written comedy, where the movie could wrap up in 2 minutes after speaking to the misunderstanding party.


Haircut117 t1_ixh4x69 wrote

How can you possibly be so oblivious as to not recognise such an obviously anti-Semitic image?

Seriously, have you been living your whole life under a fucking rock?


thisisdumb08 t1_ixhd2ce wrote

your partner is not a good person. the rest of the people in this thread are not good either for making you guilty by association especially an association you were forced into. Explain what happened. I don't want to say you will be fine because your prof has a decent chance of being as insane as the people in the thread, but if he is not this will all be sorted out with the truth.


Squigglepig52 t1_ixhtka7 wrote

Wow. I think James is fucked.

Rat him out.


daltonwiggs t1_ixiiz3d wrote

My little addition to this interesting comment section: make sure you bring it up to administration if the conversation with your professor doesn't go well. You said you're scared if this situation hurts your grade, and you need to make sure you cover yourself if, for some reason, the talk doesn't go well. I think it'll be fine though, good luck


Keanu__Gaming__xD OP t1_ixikkpi wrote

Why the fuck are you being such a dick? I don’t get it did I wrong you in some way you fucking piece of shit. People like you make me sick tk my stomach making me realize this world isn’t cut out for people who don’t like tearing others down. Congrats bro you made fun of someone online hope you feel better about your pathetic ass life now.