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okcafe t1_iyae67p wrote

idk how to tell you this man but it doesn’t make someone a loser to breakup with an abusive partner


RissoldeChocolate t1_iyaga51 wrote

Ofc it doesnt. But being traumatized from what OP described does.

Everyone has had worst moment and didnt get TRAUMATIZED for it.


okcafe t1_iyanfqj wrote

the person was traumatized from an event that happened in January. it literally says it up there in plain text. I’m not so dense as to think OP is the cause for all of it, but OP added onto a traumatic situation. Sorry that the word “trauma” is so triggering for you


[deleted] OP t1_iyb7158 wrote



okcafe t1_iybcg1z wrote

You know what they say about assuming, it only makes an ass out of u and me.


[deleted] OP t1_iyc3qqf wrote



okcafe t1_iyd710b wrote

Wow you really showed me! Men are so smart. Also you followed me into another thread you creepy fucking idiot. Go get a fucking life instead of looking through my profile for fun. I know that’s about the closest interaction you’ll have with a woman all week but please do better


AssManInRVA t1_iydkp87 wrote

Since you deleted your threatening and angry response I will respond here.

I truly hope you get help for you seem to be a very angry young girl. This anger and hate will eat you up from inside as it seems it already has. There are many places you can turn for help with this anger and racism - it is not too late.

I truly hope you find the hep you need.

I guess deleting your angry and threatening posts is a step in the right direction showing your remorse for your words and actions. And I can take that as your apology for being so rude and crude.


okcafe t1_iydku16 wrote

lol. i blocked you


AssManInRVA t1_iydlllo wrote

Please get the help you need.

Your racist comments are not tolerated in this world. Being a racist is really a horrible way to go through life. I hope you change.