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Sw1fto t1_ix1rw4w wrote

Reply to comment by redbucket75 in TIFU by eating out by zeldamuffin

Bruh cmon, how is it her fault not her aunt’s for knocking and not waiting!?


redbucket75 t1_ix1uby8 wrote

It's literally not her house, there's no expectation of privacy during a family gathering at a place you don't live


Sw1fto t1_ix1uhlr wrote

I get that, and 100% why would they be having sex there, but then why knock at all? Like why knock on a bathroom door and not wait a couple second to see if someone’s in there


FireWireBestWire t1_ix2duca wrote

Let me introduce you to half of American households. The knock is an announcement of entry, not a request for it.


g297 t1_ix2pw08 wrote

"I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your parent by coming in anyway"


Royal-Dust6837 t1_ix1yrzc wrote

Probably cause she doesn’t expect to see OP and her girlfriend hiding away nakedly sucking mounds in what was probably a children’s room.


vatoreus t1_ix2eyau wrote

From the sounds of it, it’s her room at her grandparents’ large house. I’ve known many a grandparent to keep a room for their grandchildren, even after their all grown up.


redbucket75 t1_ix201a4 wrote

It was a bedroom, not a bathroom. And a quick knock before opening isn't abnormal, though I agree it's dumb if you don't wait a few seconds


rhymes_with_snoop t1_ix2cryg wrote

Real question, though, what purpose does knocking do if you don't wait for a response? What does it accomplish to knock then immediately walk in?


redbucket75 t1_ix2ev3d wrote

You'd have to ask someone who does it. Maybe avoid startling the easily startled?


Thrawn89 t1_ix3li31 wrote

We live in a society. Social customs exist so that people are used to interacting with each other in a relatively consistent way. Everyone acts differently, sure, but when a social customs is violated, it's extremely noticable. They don't always have practical use or make sense.

Knocking before entering is a social custom that people follow even though they intend on opening the door without a response.