Submitted by chaoticcat712 t3_z6ag57 in tifu

This was actually in October but has marinated deep in my mind for the past weeks. My (25f) fiancé (27m) has a best friend (since birth) who had another friend, we will call him Fred. Fred and fiancés best friend invited him out and ended up hitting it off, leading to an invite to his wedding. When my fiancé told me I was excited because, honestly, I knew they had money and the food/alcohol would be amazing lol. I was also excited to make new friends but battled intense social anxiety in the leading weeks up to the wedding. I only knew my fiancés best friend but I had met a couple people staying in the airbnb with us before. Staying with us we had another couple, the groom (Fred), my fiancé, his best friend, and two other guys. Plus me. 2 girls total.

So here’s why we effed up. Why we shouldn’t have gone, or stayed for that matter. The first night it’s all of the people I listed kicking it in the Airbnb. They are all drinking Jameson, brought by the couple. They took about 2 shots and the third shot they all left on the table for about, 10 mins give or take, while everyone smoked outside, socialized, etc. a lot of distractions going on.

When they realize they didn’t take their shot they all go back to throw it back. My fiancés cup is the only ceramic one, and very identifiable. Right before he’s about to drink it he notices his shot is green. Not like- green tea shot, like anti-freeze green. Bright and potent looking. My fiancé flipped out, started telling people to drink it if they weren’t so worried about it, etc. Nobody gave a shit. The only people who were vocal about it was the couple, suggesting it “oxidized” or “maybe it’s dish soap!” No, it smelled like Jameson and it sat there for 10 fucking minutes, someone tampered with it. I don’t know why but being a little turnt up already, we let it go for then but obsessed about it the next day at the wedding. Still, no one would really talk about it. We left the wedding with a heavy feeling, once we got service again, (we were literally in the middle of nowhere with no Wi-Fi), and someone tampered with his shot. So I decided to do more research and found the smaller Rohypnol pills contain a blue substance that will dye your drink blue (or maybe GREEN if it’s a yellowish/brown color drink). So that’s an option, someone tried to roofie my partner.

Also getting to know these people, they aren’t good guys. One deals and I caught the vibe they all just use each other for drugs. The groom thinks his money makes him invincible and treated people, especially my fiancé and I like garbage. I could straight up tell Fred did not like my fiancé and I was very confused why he was nice at first and invited us.

Due to this new feeling Fred doesn’t like my partner, combined with his superiority complex, my partner thinks he tried to poison him. It sounds insane because it is and the Rohypnol makes more sense to me. Really none of it makes sense to me because I don’t know how anyone could be that evil.

So yeah, probably our last wedding for a while

(Tl;dr) my fiancé and I went to a wedding and someone fucked with his drink, making it turn green



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darkdecks t1_iy0buri wrote

Yikes. Sounds like more of an r/letsnotmeet over a TIFU. Glad you guys are okay!


krup62 t1_iy0x6f8 wrote

If they just put Rohypnol in your drink, your fiancé is still there to protect you. They were trying to get him out of the way first. Possibly they would have done something to incapacitate you next after they were sure your fiancé was out if the picture for hours.

You and your fiancé should stay away from all of these people.


chaoticcat712 OP t1_iy10zzf wrote

This is what I think. I will never see these people again, we made a pact. I wish we had proof so we could file charges and make sure they don’t do it to anyone else.


Dizzy-Style1219 t1_iy0uuie wrote

Glad you dodged a bullet and nothing too intense happened. Getting roofied is probably one of the most confusing and fucked up nights of my life and I don't wish it on anyone.


chaoticcat712 OP t1_iy10rh8 wrote

I agree. I’ve been roofied a few times. The hangover is the worst feeling in the world too


coupl4nd t1_iy122mr wrote

Damn sounds like the start of a great horror movie... (but not for you)... The guy who says they might have been after you is prob right. Scary.


chaoticcat712 OP t1_iy13tia wrote

Honestly. And in the movie it’s everyone fighting trying to figure out which one did it. Netflix would have a field day. I agree. I think there was a plan for SA, and I think it was premeditated. The Airbnb owner was also friends with all of them.


coupl4nd t1_iy12dnm wrote

> The only people who were vocal about it was the couple,

There's your culprits.


dmt1969 t1_iy4bs1r wrote

Do you think your fiance's best friend was in on it? Glad you realized something was up before drinking it!!!


chaoticcat712 OP t1_iy4vrfq wrote

He showed a lot of true colors that weekend and sorta revealed his true colors so I wouldn’t be surprised


Random_Guy_47 t1_iy4wnag wrote

The true fuck up here is leaving your drinks unattended.

Never do that.


Sunnygurrl t1_iy9rmww wrote

How were they to know that supposed friends were going to do this?