bobbyfischermagoo t1_ixdhou0 wrote
You gotta blow him up on google reviews, yelp, Apple, all the places
[deleted] t1_ixdihr3 wrote
nyrB2 t1_ixdinqo wrote
And my axe
harikaribluntz t1_ixds9gy wrote
And my sword
AppropriateFan5948 t1_ixdsre0 wrote
and my bow
Once-and-Future t1_ixduw6h wrote
and my Sharona
SuperWaluigiWorld t1_ixe2b5u wrote
And my bologna
CLE-Mosh t1_ixdye5n wrote
muh muh muh myyyyyiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee Sharona
KatTheKonqueror t1_ixe05vt wrote
>"I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem."
goakiller900 t1_ixe7vlj wrote
Hello jason
Equivalent-Dirt7883 t1_ixep3gd wrote
this is entirely why I don’t believe most of these review sites. Op just made an edit and realized he was wrong, that the part never was in his computer. He was clever and caught his mistake but the average person is dumb as hell and would’ve blasted all the sites giving an innocent man a bad review due to false accusations.
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