
SuperWaluigiWorld t1_j1xifwa wrote

I used to get strep a lot as well. A lot. Haven’t had it since my mid 20s. I think I’m effectively immune to it now (late 30s) and I’m sure your immune system has probably badassed itself as well. They never thought to take out my shredded tonsils so on the downside sometimes it’s tough to swallow food. They say having your tonsils out as an adult is a nightmare. Do you feel differently and would you recommend for fellow strep sufferers?

Edit: the recovery process is notoriously a nightmare. How is it going?


SuperWaluigiWorld t1_j1xeimq wrote

He will never forget this. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but this one will stick forever. I think all of the people like this are there in your head forever, thinking about it now and then. Always gonna be that “what would it be like if that worked out?” thought from time to time. Just one of those things that pops up in our minds when we’re sitting around with nothing to do.