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Ocean_Spice t1_ixr8u21 wrote

… Did you think she just accidentally got wires inside her body somehow? It didn’t occur to you that if they were there at all, it’s probably for a reason?


doyoubelieveincrack t1_ixr95yv wrote

Haha no at that moment I was stupid as fuck and just thought I figured out why she was feeling unwell. Also we were both quite drunk at that moment. But yeah it’s a TIFU after all, ey?


Ocean_Spice t1_ixr9fbq wrote

I’m surprised she wasn’t in a lot more pain, that shit hurts.


MajestaHazel t1_ixrp44i wrote

Mine came out with a tampon and I didn’t even feel it.


Alegria-D t1_ixsbhq0 wrote

When you are on your periods, your cervix might be more opened than usual. I remember il r/badwomensanatomy someone posted a "good anatomy" serie of pictures she took of her own cervix during periods, it was instructive. That's also the reason why doctors tell you to get an appointment during your period to put the iud in. That said the pain is different for each person.


LonelyGamer1337 t1_ixsapxt wrote

Not sure why your getting downvoted just chiming in with your own experience. Although your post history is a bit questionable...


doyoubelieveincrack t1_ixr9l0u wrote

Yeah just got really lucky I guess. Very thankfull for that. But felt very sorry the following weeks


Stats_n_PoliSci t1_ixs7j3c wrote

Pain levels vary drastically in women's reproductive areas. A simple pap smear has no pain for some women, and is extremely painful for others. An IUD insertion is a minor pinch for some women, and the worst pain of their life for others. It's kind of incredible how bodies vary.


MrX2285 t1_ixsfzm9 wrote

Why are people down voting you for admitting you fucked up on TIFU?