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Dark0ra t1_ixph1oz wrote

Your eyeshadow looks fantastic at least


flaskextinguisher OP t1_ixph57k wrote

Haha, thanks. Hopefully it doesn't look too bad when I'm waiting tables tomorrow


HydratedThot t1_ixpmjxr wrote

It honestly might swell more when you lay down for bed.

I’d probably check in with a manager before going in, I’ve been sent home for an almost identical black eye 😅


flaskextinguisher OP t1_ixpmqz0 wrote

Wait, really?

I mean it's already sealed shut from the swelling. Can the swelling really get worse? And when did your manager let you go back? I'm trying to make as much money as possible for Christmas


HydratedThot t1_ixpmyto wrote

Yeah, mine was a Halloween accident last year.

The swelling can get worse because essentially when you lay down, your face is now level with your heart, not elevated above it. ESPECIALLY if you’re a side sleeper, you might want to stack an extra pillow behind you so that you stay on your back/tilted.

Mine probably took 3-4 days to be at a point that wasn’t “impeding service”, which essentially meant my face and what could’ve happened was the focus of the restaurant and my boss wanted the restaurant to be the focus of the restaurant. It took about 2.5 weeks for all of the green and yellow colors to go away.


HydratedThot t1_ixpmzxr wrote

Also, ice the shit out of it. It will help decrease swelling significantly for the first 24 hours after an injury like this.


Major_Zucchini5315 t1_ixquel1 wrote

I’m so sorry! I hope at the very least the cousins helped to clean up the mess they helped to create! As far as work, I’d be more worried about your peripheral vision being affected. As anyone who’s worked in a restaurant would know, you almost need eyes in the back of your head. While it could be a hilarious story to tell your tables, others may worry that it was from abuse. Can you consider wearing an eye patch and when your tables ask, you can show them and tell them the story, all while getting some serious sympathy tips!! Feel better soon!!


Disastrous_Potato605 t1_ixq8l88 wrote

U should put ice, maybe alternate warm and cool, and take something for the inflammation like ibuprofen


BigBossWesker4 t1_ixq4dsw wrote

Obligatory "You should see the other guy"


j0ec00l69 t1_ixpyjzi wrote

> Hopefully it doesn't look too bad when I'm waiting tables tomorrow

Just don't invite your cousins to the restaurant.


ElleHopper t1_ixq7igw wrote

Just tell the customers that you had a tussle with an obstinate turkey, and you can both laugh about it