Submitted by blameitonpatricia t3_z5udq4 in tifu

Happened yesterday but it still feels brand new.

So, we have a guest staying over and she went into the loo and left a poo that didn’t flush away.

I go in after her (gave it 10 mins to air out first lol) to pee and remove my period cup. I thought about flushing it first but decided to just do my thing and flush afterwards. We have water problems so didn’t want to waste water unnecessarily.

And that’s where I fucked up.

My period cup slipped out of my hand and fell into the toilet. And so I had to put my hand in to fish it out. Which is already disgusting but I had to do it.


I touched somebody else’s poop. It’s been hours and the memory of the slightly rough and bumpy surface is etched into my brain. I find it hilarious but also soul crushingly horrible.

Tldr; I accidentally dropped my period cup into the toilet, which had a poop in it. Went to fish it out and ended up touching the poo.



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Doodle-Cactus t1_ixy1uqh wrote

This made my day, hilarious, thank you for sharing your pain. Makes me think of the time a toddler took a shit picked it up, put it on a stick and began chasing me with it. Poo is the kryptonite of humans.


OkVolume1 t1_ixyi5hg wrote

One girl, one cup..


blameitonpatricia OP t1_ixyibsy wrote

I wish I could under this comment


vaibhavyagnik t1_ixydq6t wrote

You are clearly not aware of Murphy's law. I saw it coming from a mile away.


GingerMau t1_ixy4zis wrote

Oh Jesus.

I thought this was going to be another blood explosion menstrual cup story!

This is far, far worse.

My kids often forget to flush and I would never pee on their poop!


Imafish12 t1_ixz3u45 wrote

As a man this is a moment to attempt to sawblade the poop with pee


I_eat_sand_everyday t1_ixyw8vy wrote

Idk if this will make you feel better but one time I had to pee so bad that I didn’t have time to cover the seat in a public bathroom so I just sat down before realizing somebody had left piss all over the seat and I just sat in a puddle of a strangers cold piss


Arthur_Leywin354 t1_ixy1ynh wrote

It's ok. This was all to boost your immune system.


Physical-Will-402 t1_ixyejqk wrote

You are a soldier. Brave, strong, resilient. Let's get you get you as our new primeminster. BRITAIN NEEDS YOU.

P.S sorry for the absolute trauma


butt_soap t1_ixyo7i2 wrote

The nursing profession in a nutshell


evilpinkmonkey t1_ixyls76 wrote

My period cup would have just gone down with the poo. Horrible for the pipes, sure, but ugh. You're a much stronger person than I, lol.


ooooooooooooolivia t1_ixz1mtm wrote

Please do yourself a favor and invest in some heavy duty gloves. It's much better to fish something out of a clogged toilet than to have that toilet overflow and spew sewage

Being a dumb kid at one point in my life, I've learned not to flush random objects. Thankfully I learned this with a clean and empty toilet


cycloptopussy t1_ixzj44k wrote

Or maybe the new household necessity I'm marketing as of 3 minutes ago: Toilet Tongs™️


Dramatic-Necessary87 t1_ixyfu0s wrote

This is why I try to avoid a public toilet emptying of my cup, I’ve dropped it in my own toilet before, so it makes me nervous about doing it!


zippopopamus t1_ixz5ttg wrote

Touchibg one's own poo is disgusting, this must be 10x more awful. I feel your pain


Positivelythinking t1_ixz7xmw wrote

Didn’t matter about flushing too many times after all, right? Lesson learned.


SiberianPunk2077 t1_ixzry3x wrote

"Going to the loo for a poo" is now my favorite phrase


imanadultok t1_iy09k7r wrote

Penis owner here. Did you have to like empty your period cup l? Like is it an actual cup I'm confused.


mfiirk t1_iy0jtyd wrote

Also a penis owner but:

They are cups/disks inserted into the vagina that collect the blood. Some have auto dump features that allow you to drain them without removing. Some don’t. But they are reusable so one never need to buy period products again.


Lubadbitches t1_iy1nkm3 wrote

How does one trigger the trap door on such cups? Maybe a phone app?


mfiirk t1_iy1yol9 wrote

Muscle movements. Much like a bowel movement. Breaks the seal allowing it to drain.


KookyKlutz t1_iy1vct5 wrote

I'm still wondering why someone did not make sure the poo went down the toilet completely... In a guests house no less!


Slash_Raptor92 t1_ixzmoxg wrote

I learned very fast after my last diarrhea incident that cleaning your own poo is nowhere near as gross as cleaning someone elses.


Cocomomoizme t1_iy18tzw wrote

So gross, funny, but oh so gross.. I’ve been wanting to try a cup so thank you for that advice, I’ll always flush it clean first!


blameitonpatricia OP t1_iy1xk4c wrote

Yes please learn from mistake haha. Also would 100% recommend using a cup, it’s been great!


Cocomomoizme t1_iy213lu wrote

I’m in! Just don’t know which brand! I’ll do some research 🧐


OSUbigtoe t1_iy193ng wrote

Tell me you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids....


NataliaaTe t1_iy1c54f wrote

I am sorry but what guest leaves a poo in the toilet? Thats disgusting


blameitonpatricia OP t1_iy1xmgg wrote

Maybe she didn’t notice? Idk


NataliaaTe t1_iy6kwzh wrote

That is weird. I check every toilet I use to make sure its clean. I thought everyone do that 😄.


lughsezboo t1_iy1slrr wrote

TIFU by reading this one. Still shuddering! You poor soul. Damn!