Submitted by Twighdark t3_zvt3u9 in tifu

While I was home alone, I smelled something burning in my room, and obviously freaked out a bit; It turned out to be the only magnetic contact charger of one of the adult toys I own, and since it had obviously somehow broken enough to start melting itself and smoking almost right after I plugged it into an outlet (which had not been a problem before), I decided to throw it away.

Problem is, my dad is very peculiar about where to dispose of electric stuff, and my sister has gotten yelled at for throwing another melted cable into the "wrong bin" before. He was coming home soon anyway, so I asked him.

He in turn asked me back what that charger was even for. Keep in mind, that man is very good with mechanical stuff in the walls, but has very little knowledge about how most modern devices work.

Since I was not about to tell my dad about it being for a sex toy, I ended up evading the question and just continuing to ask where to put it. Meanwhile he kept demanding to know what it was for, since he didn't know of any devices in the flat that use a contact port, and wanted to make sure that it wasn't something wrong with the outlets' voltage.

In my panic I just made some shit up about it being a willy-nilly improvised charger for my MP3 player, but now he was even more confused because "I could've sworn that you had a plug-in cable, how does that even work with your player???"

So I eventually just said "You know what? It's actually the charger for something else, something I don't wanna tell you about. It's fine, it didn't happen because of the outlets, the thing is just broken and I wanna know where to get rid of it."

He finally freaking told me where to put it then, but also said he "doesn't even wanna know" what it was for anyway. So I'm pretty sure he has an idea. Urgh.


Asked dad where to dump my broken sex-toy charger, didn't mention which device it belonged with. He inquired about the device out of worry that the outlets were at fault, I made some shit up he didn't believe and, after a vague confession that I didn't wanna tell him about it, probably connected the dots that I, an adult, have at least one sex toy.

Am uncomfy with that knowledge.



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Icy_Curmudgeon t1_j1rt5sb wrote

I've had those kind of conversations with my step-daughters:

Me: Why would you want that?.... Wait, wait, I don't want to know. Don't tell me.

Then I leave the room, fingers in ears, saying "La, la, la...".

As the only male in the household, there is a lot going on that I am blissfully unaware of and I intend to keep it that way. (edited for typo)


Revocation_Of_Doubt t1_j1ryn5u wrote

Haha, one day you will be old enough to just say "a personal device" with a certain look, and it will be dropped.

Then eventually you will get old enough to say "massive fucking vibrator" and grin at the other person's embarrassment.


Topinambourg t1_j1ryrj5 wrote

He's probably much more uncomfortable than you are, that will teach him


MorpH2k t1_j1s0o36 wrote

He was probably just going to let you borrow the charger from his toys.


ZevelOrgani t1_j1s8fr5 wrote

As a father, I can tell you that many dads nowadays are not fazed by the idea of their daughters having and using sex toys.


CatnipParade t1_j1sfj80 wrote

Casually gripe about needing a new TENs unit for cramps. Ideally one with a normal charger. If he wants to see it, tell him you already gave the device to the person that recommended that version to you to begin with. Talk about how it's no wonder you couldn't find a replacement charger for it either. Must have been discontinued. Just... lie. Elaborately. Through your teeth. Your dignity depends on it.


98brae t1_j1td01s wrote

Unfortunately, just as many dads are still very uncomfortable with it. It's definitely a generational thing. I think the next generation of dads are going to be much more chill about it.


Intrepidity87 t1_j1tx92h wrote

You've had at least 2 cables melt? Something's clearly wrong with your electrical system.


Hobbit1996 t1_j1u67ju wrote

The EU is coming to the rescue btw, once every device will be forced to have usb-c plugs (pun intended) you will be able to say "it was for my phone" no matter what device it was for :)

only read the TLDR


TucuReborn t1_j1yjy01 wrote

Similar story with me and my mom.

I own a sex toy shop online, and 3D print my molds. My mom has, after 25 years, FINALLY taken an interest in what I do and starts asking me constantly what it is.

It's a furry sex toy. I'm a furry. I hadn't told her that yet.

She's a Baptist, deeply religious, and thinks anime is porn.

I tried to tell her repeatedly I just wanted privacy in my business, and to please respect that.

Nope. Constantly tries to see what I make, until one day I just drag a 10 pound hunk of silicone and slap it down on the kitchen table, tell her I'm a furry and people pay a lot of money for this, and that she can do what she wants with this information.

Her response? "I think you were right. I really didn't need to know this. But good luck?"