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SSNs4evr t1_j1xczl4 wrote

You taught the kids something good. You can't control what they do with that knowledge. Hopefully she won't do anything to cause harm to herself. Even with having survival skills, surviving in nature sucks, especially in winter. I certainly wouldn't want to be cold and alone, even with being able to safely get through it.


[deleted] t1_j1xqocy wrote



vildingen t1_j1yfhaa wrote

It sounds like you're doing more to make sure she is safe and feeling cared for than her parents did. You aren't the one that fucked up here in any way.


ChopstickChad t1_j1yne77 wrote

You didn't fuck up at all. We'll probably never know but it might even be so that attending your classes is one of the things that gives her the positivity and sense of self worth and reliance that she did not kill herself yet. We'll probably never know but I've sort of been that teenager myself and will tell you it is possible.


SSNs4evr t1_j1zouub wrote

Any updates on finding the girl?


[deleted] t1_j20of2x wrote



SSNs4evr t1_j21voaa wrote

I'd get the authorities to take it from there, offering your help as they deem necessary.